释义 |
losevt. 1.cause the loss of引起…的丧失,使失去。 △Tw.2.2.20(19): “She made good view of me; indeed so much,/That methought her eyes had lost her tongue,” i.e.made her lose her tongue.她仔细地打量我,真的,看我看得那么出神,我想她的眼睛一定使得她的舌头失去了作用。 △1H.Ⅳ.3.1.185(184):“The least of which haunt-ing a nobleman/Loseth men’s hearts”,这些毛病,哪怕有一点点粘在一位贵族人士的身上,就会丧失人心。 2. expend 消耗。 △2H.Ⅵ.5.2.45:“Wast thouordain’d,dear father,/To lose thy youth in peace,”亲爱的父亲,难道你注定了要在和平生活中消磨你的青年时代…。 3. throw away,waste扔掉,浪费。 △Mac.5.7.37(5.8.8):“Thou losest labour.”你白费力气。 △Ham.1.2.45:“And lose your voice.”i.e.waste your breath,ask invain. 白费口舌。 △Ham.1.2.118:“Let not thy motherlose her prayers,Hamlet,”不要让你的母亲白费一番祈求吧,哈姆雷特。 △3H.Ⅵ.3.1.6:“That cannot be,thenoise of thy cross-bow/Will scare the herd,and somy shoot is lost.”那样不行;你的弓弩的声音会惊吓了鹿群,我再射击就白白浪费了。 4. forgo放弃。 △H.Ⅷ.4.2.103(102):“Knowing shewill not lose her wonted greatness,”明明知道她不愿放弃她习以为常的尊严。 5. forget忘记。 △H.Ⅷ.2.1.57: “Hear what I say,and then go home and lose me.”请听听我要说的话,然后就回家去,把我这个人忘掉了吧。 6. destroy,ruin摧毁,使毁灭。 △1H.Ⅳ.1.3.88:“Whenthey have lost and forfeited themselves?”当他们已经失去操守、毁掉自己一切的时候? 7. be separated from,alienate,forfeit the favour of与…脱离关系,疏远,丧失…的好感。 △Oth.2.3.213(211):“And he that is approved in this offence/Though hehad twinned with me,both at a birth,/ Shall lose me.”谁若是被证明该担当这次罪责,哪怕他和我是孪生同胞,我也不放过他。Phrases: lose blood with love: It was a common belief that sig-hing (characteristic of lovers) consumed the blood.but that wine generated fresh blood. cf. Mid.3.2.97:“With sighs of love,that costs the fresh blood dear. ”因为爱情而消耗血液——过去人们认为相思的叹息会消耗人的血液,而饮酒却能够生血。参见《仲夏夜之梦》第3幕第2场第97行:“一声声叹息,耗尽了她宝贵的鲜血。” △Ado.1.1.260(250):“Prove that ever I lose more blood with love than I will get again with drinking,pick out mine eyeswith a ballad-maker’s pen,.”如果你们能够证明,有一天我会为爱情而消耗血液,连赶紧喝酒都恢复不过来,你们可以拿写歌谣的钢笔挖出我的眼睛。 lose oneself: roam at will闲逛。 △Com.1.2.30:“Iwill go lose myself,”我要去随便走走。 ~vi.have the worst,be defeated in battle失败,打败仗。 △Lr.5.2.6:“King hath lost,he and his daughter ta'en.”李尔王打败了,他和他的女儿都被捉去了。 △1H.VI4.3.31: “He dies,we lose ;” 他一死,我们就失败了。 △3H.VI.4.4.15:“Warwick may lose,that now hathwon the day.”沃里克可能会打败仗,虽然他现在获得了胜利。 lose[lu:z]v.错过,输去,失落,损失,失败,走失 ◇be lost in=lose oneself in入迷,沉湎于 be lost on (upon)对…不起作用 lose a battle败北 lose an election落选 lose colour脸色变得苍白 lose control of(局势)失控 lose control of puck失去控制球权 lose count of数不清 lose countenance =lose face =lose one’s face丢脸,失面子 lose faith in失去对…的信念,不再信任…/ lose flesh消瘦 lose ground= give around退却,让步,失利,衰落 lose hear t丧失勇气 lose its relish失去吸引力,使人不感兴趣 lose money in business亏蚀,赔钱,折本 lose no time in急忙,立即 lose of light光损失 lose one’s balance心慌意乱 lose one’s bearings晕头转向,迷失方向 lose one’s breath= lose one’s wind喘不过气来,呼吸困难 lose one’s capital亏蚀,蚀本,亏本 lose one’s footing失足 lose one’s form竞技状态不好 lose one’s hair=lose one’s temper发脾气 lose one’s head (sense) =lose one’s nerve丧生,不知所措 lose one’s heart to爱上…,心被…俘去 lose one’s hold on (over)失去对…的控制 lose one’s job失业lose one’s mind发疯,大脑不正常 lose one’s reason神经错乱,失去思维能力 lose one’s secret失密 lose one’s shirt丧失全部财产 lose one’s spirits垂头丧气 lose one’s temper动怒 lose one’s virginity失身 lose one’s way迷路,迷失方向 lose one’s wool发怒 lose oneself迷失方向,迷路 lose sight of忽略,忘记,不再看见 lose sleep失眠 lose the bell=lose the day=lose out=lose out on被击败,输掉 lose the day战败 lose the scent(thread) (of)失去线索,跟不上 lose the upper hand失去优势 lose time走得慢,耽误时间 lose track of失去…的线索,失掉对…的关系 ‖ lose a battle败局 lose a hand full teeth下巴受猛击 lose balance失调 lose blood流血 lose colour褪色 lose efficacy失效 lose effectiveness失效 lose hope失望 lose money破财 lose equilibrium失去平衡 lose nationality丧失国籍 lose one meter in distance被罚退一米 lose possession of ball失球 lose possession of puck失去控制球权 lose seat离开鞍座 lose territory丧失领土 lose the exchange兑子吃亏 lose the saddle离开鞍座 lose voice失声 lose way减速 losing candidate落选者 losing election落选 losing finalist亚军 losing form失掉竞技状态 losing pitcher负队投手 losing proposition赔本企业,蚀本生意 losing side负方 losing streak一连串失败 losing team 负队 losing the grip失手 losing unit人员调出单位 loser n.被淘汰者,落选者,失主 |