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单词 恍然大悟

恍然大悟豁然大悟huǎng rán dà wù

a light breaks in upon sb;everything suddenly being made clear to sb;become suddenly aware of; be enlightened all of a sudden; begin to understand;come to one’s senses; in a sudden flash of enlightenment; in sudden revelation; it suddenly dawns upon one that; realize all of a sudden (like coming out of a dream); suddenly realize what has happened (/what it is all about);suddenly see the light; the scales fall from one’s eyes;the truth dawns on sb in a flash; tumble to
❍ 徐总经理~似的,应了一声: “原来是这样,唔。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—347) Xu Yide interjected as if every thing had suddenly been made clear to him: “So that’s what it’s all about. I see.”/“阿义可怜一疯话,简直是发了疯了。”花白胡子~似的说。(《鲁迅选集》上一20)“Sorry for Red-eye-crazy! He must have been crazy!” said Greybeard,as if suddenly he saw light./“静穆”是一种豁然大悟,得到归依的心情。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅳ—186)This is a state of absolute enlightenment and con tentment.
❍ 大家此时~。(《红楼梦》1243)Then the truth dawned on everyone.
❍ 梅佐贤这才~,不禁拍掌叫道:“妙计,妙计。”(周而复《上海的早晨》Ⅰ—131)Only now realizing what it was all about,Mei Zuoxian could not help clapping his hands together and exclaiming: “A brilliant scheme,really brilliant!”/“哦——! 原来是这样!”崔相弼~了。虽然不高兴,还是连连点头。(杨佩瑾《剑》231) “Oh,I see.” The scales fell from Choi’s eyes; and though he was still displeased,he kept nodding.
❍ 于是关公~,稽首皈依而去。(《三国演义》64)Thereupon Guan the Noble seemed suddenly to comprehend,bowed in token of assent and disappeared.

恍然大悟huǎnɡ rán dà wù

恍然:猛然清醒的样子;悟:心里明白。形容一下子忽然明白过来。take a tumble, suddenly see the light, realize all of a sudden, be brought to one’s senses, be suddenly enlightened





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