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lordn. 1. husband夫君,丈夫。 △Rom.3.2.65: “Is Romeoslaughtered? and is Tybalt dead? / My dearest cousin,and my dearer lord?”罗米欧被杀了? 悌暴也死了?一个是我最亲爱的表哥,一个是我更亲爱的夫君。 △Rom.3.2.98:“Ah,poor my lord,”啊,我的可怜的夫君。 △Rom.3.381 (82):“Where's my lady's lord? where's Romeo?”我的小姐的姑爷在哪儿? 罗米欧在哪儿? 2. master,owner主人。 △H.V.3.5.26:“Poor we maycall them in their native lords!”我们只好说我们的田野可怜,因为生在它们这块土地上的主人太不争气了! Phrases: lord of beasts: owner of cattle,man of large posses-sions家畜的主人,大财主。 △Ham.5.2. 88 (85): “let abeast be lord of beasts,and his crib shall stand at theKing's mess.”一头畜生做了许多畜生的主人,就把它的秣槽搬到国王的饭桌上来的。 lord of the soil: owner of the estate 庄园的主人。 △2H.VI.4.10.26(24): “Here's the lord of the soilcome to seize me for a stray,”这是庄园的主人,要来把我当做流浪汉抓起来。
lordvb. lord it: play the lord,tyrannize称王称霸,作威作福。 △2H.Ⅵ.4.8.47(44):“Methinks already in this civil broil/I see them lording it in London streets.”在这场内战当中我觉得好像已经看见他们来到伦敦街上横行霸道。 lord[lɔ:d]n.君主,主人,国王,陛下,贵族,勋爵,上帝,基督 ◇ Lord forbid! 苍天不容!/lord it over对…称王称霸,对…作威作福 ‖House of Lords贵族院 Lord Advocate苏格兰检察总长 Lord Chancellor大法官Lord Chief Justice高等法院法官 Lord Dunmore’s War邓莫尔勋爵战争 (1774年)Lord High Chancellor英国上议院的大法官 lord in waiting 侍从 Lord Justice of Apeal上诉法院法官 Lord of Appeal in Ordinary常任上诉法院高等法官 Lord of Host上帝 Lord Protector护国公 Lord’s Day Act主日禁令(1906年)/ Lords Lieutenant英格兰的州长 Lord of Seat苏格兰最高民事法官 Lords of the Articles条例和章程制订委员会 Lords of the Committee国务委员会 Lords of the Congregation上帝的忠仆 Lord President of the Council枢密院大臣 Lord Privy Seal and Leader of the House of Commons掌皇大臣兼下院领袖 Lord Spiritual and Temporal宗教贵族和世俗贵族 the House of Lords (英)上议院 lordliness n.lordly adj. 高傲的,傲慢的,贵族气的,堂皇的,无礼的 lordship n.贵族身份,阁下 Lordn. (cap.)1i.e. God主,(指)上帝。 △R.III.4.1.19:“The Lord protect him (i.e. Richard) from that king-ly title!”愿上帝保佑他远远离开国王的称号! Phrases: “Lord have mercy on us”: i.e. warning inscriptionupon the door of a plague-stricken house. “上帝饶了我们吧”——过去染有瘟疫之家门前所立的标志。 △L.L.L.5.2420 (419): “Write ‘Lord have mercy on us’ on thosethree.”给他们三个人都贴上“重病”的封条。 Lord's anointed temple: the temple of the Lord'sanointed.i.e.the body of the King. (According tothe Bible,the body of every Christian is “the templeof God”;and kings were anointed with holy oil attheir coronation.)上帝涂过圣油的殿堂,(指)国王的神圣御体。 △Mac. 2. 3. 73 (67): “Most sacrilegious murderhath broke ope/The Lord’s anointed temple,”最亵渎神明的凶杀已经冲开了上帝涂膏的圣殿(国王的神圣御体)。 Lord’s token:❶plague spot瘟疫斑痕,疫斑。 ❷love to-ken given by the lords贵族们给的信物。 △L.L.L.5.2.424 (423):“For the Lord’s tokens on you do I see.”因为我看见你身上已经出现了疫斑(双关:看见了贵人送给你的信物)。
Lordn. (cap.)2 title used before the name of a noble-man(对贵族的称呼)爵爷,大人(等)。 Lord Lack-beard: one who has no beard,boy,i.e.Claudio.面白无须者,白脸公子(指克劳狄欧)。 △Ado.5.1.199(192):“For my Lord Lack-beard there,he and Ishall meet,and till then peace be with him.”至于那一位白脸公子,我已经跟他约好决斗了;在那之前,愿他平安无事。 Lord Marshal:Master of Ceremonies 典礼官。 △2H.Ⅳ.1.3.4:“And first,Lord Marshal,what sayyou to it?”首先,典礼官,你对这件事怎么说? Lord of York: i.e.Richard Scroop (1350-1405), Archbishop of York约克大人,(指)约克大主教理查·斯克鲁普。 △1H. Ⅳ.2.3.24(20):“Why,my Lord of Yorkcommends the plot and the general course of the ac-tion. ” Lord Surrey:i.e.Thomas Howard,the Earl of Sur-rey,who had married Buckingham’s daughter Kathar-ine萨雷伯爵,白金汉公爵的女婿。 △H.Ⅷ.3.2.o.s.d.:“Enter the Duke of Norfolk,Duke of Suffolk,LordSurrey,and Lord Chamberlain.”诺福克公爵、萨福克公爵、萨雷伯爵及宫内大臣上。 Lord Talbot:i.e.John Talbot,first Earl of Shrews-bury(1388?-1453),the most celebrated English warri-or of his day塔尔博特爵爷,(指)第一任希茹伯里伯爵约翰·塔尔博特,当时英国最著名的猛将。 △1H.Ⅵ.1.1.105:“Imust inform you of a dismal fight/Betwixt the stoutLord Talbot and the French.” i.e.the battle of Patay,1429.我必须向你们报告在勇敢的塔尔博特爵爷和法国人之间发生的一场惨烈的战斗。 |