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(展开) stretch; extend: 两臂平 ~ extend [stretch, spread] one's arms horizontally; ~ 出援助之手 stretch out a helping hand; ~ 大拇指 hold up one's thumb; ~ 胳臂 stretch one's arms; 不要把头 ~ 出 窗外。 Don't put [stick] your head out of the window (of a bus; etc.). 她热情地向我们 ~ 出了双手。 She warmly extended both hands towards us. 他 ~ 直身子躺在海滩上。 He stretched himself out on the beach. 他站起来 ~ ~ 懒腰, 打个呵欠。 He got up with a stretch and a yawn. 跳水时腿要 ~ 直。 When you dive you must keep your legs straight. Ⅱ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 意 Shen Yi
◆伸长 prolongation; extension; elongation; extend; elongate; 伸出 reach; runout; protend; stretch; extend; overhang; 伸懒腰 stretch oneself; 伸伸舌头 put [stick] out one's tongue; 伸手 stretch out one's hand; ask for help, etc.; 伸手不见五指 so dark that you can't see your hand in front of you; pitch dark; 伸手可及 be at arm's length; 伸缩 stretch out and draw back; expand and contract; lengthen and shorten; flexible; elastic; adjustable; magnification; dila(ta)tion; expansion; 伸缩性 stress; elasticity; flexibility; 伸头探脑 crane one's neck to watch; poke one's head to peek at; 伸腿 stretch one's legs; step in (to gain an advantage); [口] kick the bucket; turn up one's toes; 伸腰 straighten one's back; straighten oneself up; 伸冤雪耻 redress a grievance and wipe out a disgrace; 伸展 spread; extend; stretch; expand; 伸张 uphold; promote





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