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单词 lie



n. i.e. charging with telling a lie as the cause of aquarrel or even a duel谎言,(指)责人说谎(以作为争执甚至决斗的理由)。
△As.5.4.71 (68): “Upon a lie seventimes removed,”根据一句隔着七层的谎言。
△As.5.4. 85(81): “Lie Circumstantial and the Lie Direct.”委婉的(责人)说谎和公然的(责人)说谎。
give ... the lie: ❶accuse... of lying指责…撒谎。
△Ham.2.2.609 (576):“gives me the liei ’thethroat/As deep as to the lungs?”i.e.accuses me oftelling a lie not just from the mouth but deep from thelungs; a great lie.指斥我彻头彻尾地撒谎。
❷a. accuse…of lying,call… a liar指责…撒谎,称…为说谎者。b.behave falsely to … 对…表现虚伪。c.lay... low,knock... down使…躺下,把…打倒。
△Mac.2.3.40(34):“in conclusion,equivocates him in a sleep,andgiving him the lie,leaves him.”总之,让它模棱两可地做一场春梦,叫它躺着(双关:把它糊弄了一下),自己就溜了。
△Mac.2.3.42 (37):“I believe drink gave thee thelie last night.”我相信昨晚的酒使你躺下了。
give the lie to: (lit.) charge with telling a lie,accuseof falsehood; (here) belie,be false to (原意)指责说谎,谴责虚伪;(此处转义)违背,辜负。
△As.3.2.414 (389):“That is one of the points in the which women still(= always) give the lie to their consciences.”这也是女人们违背着良心行事的一端。
lie in the throat: lie uttered deliberately and inexcusably故意讲出因而不可原谅的谎言。
△H.V.4.8.17 (16):“That’s a lie in thy throat.”你是在有意撒谎。


vi. 1
1. tell lies说谎。
△Gent.1.2.74: “it will not liewhere it concerns”,它对相干的方面是不会说谎的。
△Oth.3.4.8: “To tell you where he lodges,is to tell youwhere I lie.”告诉你他住在哪里,就等于告诉你我在哪里说了谎。
2. be false不老实。
△Mid.2.2.52: “For lying so,Her-mia,I do not lie.”赫米娅,我这样睡,并没有安坏心。
3. keep on perjuring oneself(一直)违背自己的誓言,发了誓又不算。
△L.L.L.4.3.12(11):“I do nothing in theworld but lie,”我活着一直在违背自己的话。(另译:我生在世上只是说谎。)


vi. 2 (pa.t.lay; pa.p. lain.)
1. be in a horizontal position躺
△ Gent.1.2.73:“let it lie for those that it concerns.”让它躺在那里,留给相干的人好了。
2. be in bed上床。
△H.VIII. 4.1.69: “she is the good-liest woman/That ever lay by man,”i. e. had carnalintercourse with man. 她真是历来跟男人同床睡觉的最漂亮的女人了。
3. sleep睡眠。
△H.V.4.1.17: “Since I may say,‘Now lie I like a kin g.’”因为我可以说:“现在我睡得就跟国王一样了!”
4. be or remain in bed睡下,未起。
△Mac.2.3.25(22): “Was it so late,friend,ere you went to bed,/That you do lie so late?”朋友,你可是睡得太晚了,所以睡到现在还爬不起来?
5. stay,pass the time of night停留,过夜。
△R.III. 2.4.1 :“Last night,I hear,they lay at Stony-Stratford,”我听说,他们昨晚在斯东尼—斯特拉福过夜。
6. lodge,dwell,reside,sojourn住,居住,居留,旅居。
△Gent. 4. 2. 139(136):“Pray you,where lies Proteus?”请问,普洛丢斯住在哪里?
△L.L.L. 1. 1. 147(148):“She must lie here on mere necessity.”事实需要她须在此下榻。
△Shr.4.4.56: “There doth my father lie,”我的父亲住在那里。
△Wiv.2.1.186(179): “Does he lie at the Garter?”他住在“吊袜带”酒店吗?
△Wiv.2.2.65(61):“when the court lay at Windsor”,国王住在温莎的时候。
△Mid.2.2.90:“Happy is Hermia,wheresoe’er she lies,”赫米娅无论在什么地方都是那么幸福。
△Mer.5.1.6:“Where Cressid lay that night.”克丽西达当晚在那里住宿。
△Tw. 3. 1.8: “So thou mayst say the king lies by a beggar,if a beggar dwells near him;”那么你也可以说国王住在一个乞丐的附近,因为一个乞丐住在王宫的附近。
△1H.IV.1.2.142 (129): “Gadshill lies to-night in Rochester.”盖兹山今晚就住在罗彻斯特。
△2H.IV.2.1.185 (168):“Where lay the King to-night?”国王昨晚住在什么地方?
△2H.IV. 3.2. 302 (279): “when I lay at Clement’s Inn,”那时候我住在克利门特学院。
△2H.IV.4.2.98 (97):“I trust,lords,we shall lie to-night together.”我相信,诸位大人,我们今晚要住在一起了。
△1H.VI.2.2.40:“By me entreats,great lord,thou wouldst vouchsafe / To visit her poor castle where she lies,”大人,她命我恳求你赏光惠临她所居住的寒微堡砦。
△H.VIII4.1.28:“where the Princess(i.e. the former Queen Katherine) lay,”寡妃凯萨琳在那里居住。
7. be. to be found在。
△3H.VI.4.5.14:“This way,my lord,for this way lies the game.”到这里来,爵爷,猎物在这里。
8. be contained容纳。
△Tw.3.2.51 (46): “and asmany lies as will lie in thy sheet of paper,”骂他说谎,纸有多么大就骂他多少回。
9. assume a fencing posture,stand摆出(击剑)姿势,站定。
△1H.IV.2.4 . 219 (195): “here I lay,”我就这样摆出姿势。(又译:我就这样站定。)
10. (in the legal sense) be admissible or sustainable (法律用语)成立,可立案。
△Ham.3.3.61: “there (i.e. inheaven) the action lies/In his true nature,”在那里(天上)一切行为都是按实情立案的。
11. be encamped,be stationed扎营,驻扎。
△H.V.3.7.140 (125):“My Lord High Constable,the English liewithin fifteen hundred paces of your tents.”报告大元帅,英国军队在离你的营帐只有1500步的地方驻扎下来了。
△1H.VI.1.2.6: “At pleasure here we lie near Orle-ans;”现在我们随心如意驻扎在这奥尔良附近。
△1H.VI.3.2.128: “And then depart to Paris to the king,/Forthere young Henry with his nobles lie.”然后我们就到巴黎去见国王,因为幼主亨利和他的贵族大臣都驻扎在那里。
△Mac. 5.5. 3: “here let them lie/Till famine andthe ague eat them up.”让他们在这里安营扎寨直到饥饿和疟疾把他们吃掉。
❷tell lies说谎。
△Oth.3.4.11: “I know not where he lodges,and for me todevise a lodging and say he lies(= lodges) here,or helies(= lodges) there,were to lie(= tell lies) in mineown throat.”我不知道他住在哪里,我若捏造一个住处,说他住在这里或者住在那里,那我就是存心说谎了。
△Oth. 3.4.1:“Do you know,sirrah,where Lieutenant Cassio lies?”喂,你知道凯西奥副将住在什么地方? (按:下一行里小丑故意把lies理解为“说谎”。)
13.❶lie in jail,be imprisoned坐牢。
❷tell lies说谎。lie for you: ❶take your place in jail替你坐牢。
❷telllies about you为你说谎。
△R.III.1.1.115: “I will de-liver you,or else lie for you.”我要救你,否则就替你坐牢(双关:为你说谎)。
Phrases & Expressions :
lie by: come to a standstill. rest 停顿下来,休息。
△H.VIII.3.1.9: “Every thing that heard him play. /Even the billows of the sea. / Hung their heads andthen lay by.” (“Sea” rhymes with “play”. )万物听到了他的琴声,哪怕是巨浪正在大海里翻腾,也会低下头来保持安静。
lie direct: i.e. “you are a liar”,the seventh cause ofthe quarrel,which had been considered sufficient toauthorise a duel. Any man who refused to fight a duelon receiving it branded himself coward. 直截了当地说谎,即被人明指为说谎者(在当时受到这样指责而拒绝决斗者即等于承认自己是懦夫)。
△As. 5. 4. 86 (81): “the Lie Di-rect.”公然地说谎。
lie in: ❶be in the power of在…的力量范围之内。
△As.1.1.21 (20):“and as much as in him lies,”尽他自己的一切力量。
❷depend upon依靠。
△Ado. 2.2.21:“Thepoison of that lies in you to temper.”其中的毒药就要靠你来调制了。
△H.V.5.2.75: “the peace,/ Which youbefore so urged,lies in his answer.”那么很好,你刚才所提出的和平,就决定于他的回答了。
lie in one's throat: lie completely完全在撒谎。
△Tw.3.4.173(156): “But thou liest in thy throat,that isnot the matter I challenge thee for. ”但是你完全是在撒谎,我并非是为了这件事才向你挑战。
lie low: be struck down,be dead被打倒,死掉。
△Ado.5.1.51: “If he could right himself with quarrelling.Some of us (i.e. Don Pedro and Claudio) would lie
△1H.IV.3.3. 226 (204):“And either we or theymust lower lie. ”不是我们就是他们,总要被对方打倒。
lie on: press on压在…之上。
△Oth.4.1.35:“Lie withher! lie on her!”跟她睡觉! 睡在她身上!
△H.VIII.4.2.31 : “So may he rest,his faults lie gently on him!” 愿他得到安息,愿他的错误不至在他心上压得过于沉重!
lie on one's head: be one's own responsibility由…负责。
△Wiv.2.1.190 (184): “let it lie on my head.”那就由我自己负责;我情愿承当。
lie open to: be exposed to面临,经受。
△H.VIII.3.2.335 (334):“His faults lie open to the laws,let them. /Not you,correct him.”他的罪过如何处治,律有明文,那就让法律,而不是由你,来惩治他。
lie with: be sexually intimate with跟…睡觉(发生性关系)。
△Oth.4.1.35:“Lie with her!”跟她睡觉!
lie within: depend on依靠,决定于…
△H.V.1.2.289:“But this lies all within the will of God,” i.e.this de-pends entirely on the will of God. 但是这一切要由天意决定。


◇give the lie to sth.揭穿…的虚伪
invent a lie捏造谎言
lie about sth. to sb.就某事向某人撒谎
lie in a nutshell简单明了
lie in one’s teeth (throat)撒大谎
spread lies散布谎言
tell lies撒谎
‖ lie detector测谎器,测谎仪


v.处于某种状态,驻扎,躺,平放,展现,展开,位于n. 球位置,球落点的位置
◇lie about四处乱放
lie by被搁置不用,休息
lie down 躺下
lie down under=take ...lie in grant要式转让
lie flat on the belly胸腹着地
lie flat on the stomach胸腹着地
lie in在于
lie in livery非要式转让
lie in wait for埋伏等待着
lie low大败
lie off暂停
lie on (upon)依赖,压迫
lie on one’s front俯仰
lie on the ball卧压球
lie over等待以后处理
lie with是…的权利,在于
lying down躺倒认输,甘受…/ lying flat on back仰卧
lying on side侧卧
lying on stomach俯卧
‖ lie back身体后仰
lie face down俯卧
lie face downwards俯卧
lie flat平卧
lie of the land地势
lie prostrate俯卧
lie hidden in the earth埋藏
lying curl直膝屈髋
lying face down俯卧
lying hang卧悬垂
lying leg lift俯卧举腿 lying low卧
lying position卧姿
lying suspension卧悬垂
lying triceps extension仰卧头后伸肘
lying triceps press仰卧头后弯举
liedown n.稍事休息
lie-in n. 睡懒觉


n.赖伊[Trygve Halvden,(1896~1968年),挪威政治家,联合国首任秘书长]





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