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单词 let


n. hindrance,impediment,obstacle阻碍,妨碍,障碍。
△H.V.5.2.64: “and my speech entreats / That Imay know the let why gentle Peace / Should not ex-pel these inconveniences.”我说这番话也是为了恳求你们让我知道一下究竟有什么障碍,使得温柔的和平之神不能把这些灾害一扫而光。


1. hinder,prevent,stop妨碍,阻止,阻拦。
△Ham.1.4.85: “I'll make a ghost of him that lets me!”i.e. I willkill anyone who hinders me. 谁要拦阻我,我就叫他变成一个鬼!
△Com.2.1.105: “Or else what lets it but hewould be here?”否则会有什么绊住他不让他回家?
△Tw.5.1.259 (249):“If nothing lets to make us happy both /But this my masculine usurped attire,”i.e. if nothingprevents us from making each other happy,etc. 假如除了我这一身乔装的男人衣裳,再没有别的什么可以阻碍我们彼此的欢欣。
2. allow,suffer允许,容许。
△Wiv.4.1.12 (11):“Mas-ter Slender is let the boys leave to play.”斯兰德先生让孩子们放假去玩。
3. shed (blood),cause (to bleed)使(血)流出,使(流血)。
△R.III.1.2.16:“Cursed the blood that let this bloodfrom hence!”使此人流血的那个人的血该受诅咒!
~vi. hinder 阻碍,妨碍。
△Gent.3.1.113:“What lets butone may enter at her window?”从她的窗口进去又有何妨?Phrases & Expressions:
let … alone; do not care for...,let ... wait不要管…,让…等着。
△1H.IV.2.4.96 (84): “Let them a-lone awhile,and then open the door.”先不要管他们(又译:让他们等一会儿),然后再开门。
let be: no matter;enough不要紧;够了。
△Ham. 5.2.236 (223): “Since no man of aught he leaves knows,what is't to leave betimes? Let be.”i.e. Since no onehas knowledge of what he is leaving behind,whatdoes an early death matter after all? Enough. 既然一个人死去时不知道在他身后留下了什么,那么早早死去又有什么关系? 随他去吧。
let blood: ❶bleed (Bloodletting was a common med-ical treatment.) 放血(古时放血为常用的医疗方法)。
△L.L.L.2.1.184(186):“let it blood”,给它放血吧。
❷bleed,i.e. be executed流血,(指)被处死。
△R.III.3.1.182:“His ancient knot of dangerous adversaries / To-morrow are let blood at Pomfret Castle,”他过去的那一帮危险的敌人明天就要在庞弗雷特堡流血了。
let drive: aim blows,strike对准…打,攻击。
△1H.IV.2.4.220 (196): “Four rogues in buckram let drive atme—”四个穿粗麻布衣裳的家伙向我打来。
△1H.IV.2.4.249 (221):“three misbegotten knaves in Kendal greencame at my back and let drive at me,” 三个身穿肯德尔绿粗布的杂种来到我的背后,照我就打。
let go: let pass,overlook; excuse 放过,忽略;原谅。
△Mac. 3.1.86 (85):“Do you find / Your patience sopredominant in your nature / That you can let thisgo?”你们自以为忍耐能这样支配你们的天性,竟把这样的事也轻轻放过吗?
let loose: ❶let go,turn loose放出,放任。
△Oth.1.1.139(138): “If she be in her chamber or your house,/Let loose on me the justice of the state / For thus de-luding you.”假使她还在她的闺房或者你的家里,那就任凭你用国法来惩治我的欺骗之罪。
△H.V.4.2.41:“Their ragged curtains poorly are let loose.”他们那几片破旗没精打采地展开。
let me alone: ❶let me do alone,rely on me to do,trust me (for...) 让我自己(去做…),把…交给我自己。
△Tw.3.4.204 (183): “let me alone for swearing.”i.e.leave swearing to me. 让我自己去咒骂吧。
❷forbearmolesting or meddling with me,let me handle this别干扰我,让我自己处理。
△2H.VI.4.2.113(102):“Let mealone.Dost thou use to write thy name?”让我自己来处理。你可经常签写你自己的名字?
let no dog bark: let there be complete silence都给我闭上嘴。
△Mer.1.1.94:“And when I ope my lips let nodog bark!”我开口的时候,狗都不许叫一声!
let slip: (term of hunting) unleash (hounds),let(hounds) loose (狩猎用语)解开(猎犬的)皮带,放出(猎犬)。
△1H.IV.1.3.279 (278): “Before the game is afootthou still let'st slip.”你总是不等猎物出动就把狗放出来。let the world slide: an expression denoting unconcern天塌下来,我也不管。
△Shr.Ind.1.5:“let the worldslide.”凡事马马虎虎算了。
let to know: informed被告知。
△Ham.4.6.11: “ifyour name be Horatio,as I am let to know it is.”假如你的名字就是霍拉旭——我刚才听说你是。


v. 出租,承包,重发球,让,使,通过,被承包 n. 出租,障碍,球触网
◇let a state perish亡国
Let bygones be bygones.既往不咎。let down不支持,拆…的台
let drive (at)对准…打,对准…发射
let fall使(帷幕)落下
let go发射,放开
let go with尽情地说
let in让…进出,放进来
let in for牵涉到
let into让…知道,让…进入
let it all hang out无忧无虑,随心所欲
let it go at that停止讨论
let loose释放,发出,吐出
let matters drift听之任之
let me see试试看,让我想想
let off发泄,放掉,饶恕
let on泄露,假装
let one on to向…泄露,告诉
let oneself go尽情,情不自禁
let one’s hair down不拘礼节
let out散场,泄露,漏泄,解雇,出租
let pass放过
let sb. have it力劝某人
let sb. in for sth.使某人承担某事let sb. in on让某人知道let sb. know告诉,通知,奉告
let sb. or sth. pass放行
let slide不关心,对…漠不关心
let slip a golden opportunity坐失良机
let sound让继续发响
let sth. lie idle闲置
let sth. run its course听其自然 “let the buyer beware” principle “买者自负”原则
let the cat out of the bag 泄露机密
let things drift if they don’t affect one personally事不关己,高高挂起
let things glide放任自流
let things go on as they are维持现状
let through放过,让…通过
let up减少,停止
let up on节约,宽待
let well alone不必画蛇添足
without let or hindrance畅通无阻
‖ let stretched sideways腿侧举
let well alone置若罔闻
service let重发球
letdown n.下降,减低(少)letdown area下降区
letdown facility下降保障设备
letdown patter n.下降航线
let-go n.放开
let-off n.宽恕,释放letting n. 出租
letting agency房屋租赁代理人





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