a seamless heavenly robe—flawless;completely natural;[of an argument]water-tight; faultless
❍ 她立即懂得徐义德在改变话题的用意。她~地顺口答道: …… (周而复《上海的早晨》 I—472) She immediately understood why he had changed the subject and she carried on from there quite naturally,as if the conversation had been as innocent as this all the time; …/倘不穿“无缝天衣”,他便要终日如“芒刺在身”,活不下去了。(《鲁迅选集》Ⅲ—318) Then unless he wears a“seamless divine garment,” he will feel pricked all over and life will become quite unbearable.
❍ 他的那篇文章论证周密,真是~,无懈可击。That article of his is closely seasoned and the arguments are really watertight and invul nerable.
文章论证严密,~。The article is close-knit and its argument is flawless./指望对交易有~的保证expect airtight guarantees on a deal/要求他~地确保不搞欺骗demand airtight assurances against cheating/要求对军控条约有~的核查demand foolproof (or airtight)verification in arms deal
天衣无缝tiān yī wú fènɡ
比喻事物完美无缺,没有一点痕迹。flawless, perfect, without a trace, leave nothing to be desired