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单词 print
释义 print1 /print; print/ n 1 [U] mark(s), letters, etc in printed form: 印刷符号,字母等; 印刷体; 版: clear ~; 清晰的印刷; in large/small 用大(小)铅字; 以大(小)字体印刷。 in ~, (of a book) printed and on sale. (指书)已出版; 出售中; 在销行~, (of a book) no more printed copies available from the publisher. (指言)绝版。 rush into ~, (of an author) hasten to publish sth he has written. (指作者)急于把作品付印。 2 [C] (usu in compounds) mark left on a surf ace preserving the form left by the pressure of sth: (通常用于复合字中)印迹; 痕迹: 'finger—s; 指纹; 指印; 'foot- ~s. 足迹; 足印。 3 [U] printed cotton fabric: 印花棉布: (attrib) (形容用法) a ~ dress. 印花布的衣服。 4 [C] picture, design, etc made by ~ing from a block, plate, etc: (由印模,感光版等)印成的画片,图案等; 版画; 印画: old Japanese ~s; 古老的日本版妾; photograph ~ed from a negative. 由出之照片。 'blue—, cblue,(7). '~-seller n man who sells engravings, etchings, etc. 版画传或者。' ~-shop n shop of a seller. 版丛店。 5 [C] (now chiefly US) ~ed publication. esp a newspaper (现金主用于美)印刷物; 出版物; (尤指)报纸。




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