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单词 面红耳赤

面红耳赤miàn hóng ěr chì

be flushed; be (/get/become) red in the face; blush up (/get red)to the ears; colour up;flush up;flush to the roots of one’s hair
❍ 是“印鉴” 有疑问么? 还是数目上算错?也值得那么~! (茅盾《子夜》344) Was there anything wrong with the seal? Or was the figure incorrect?Whatever it was,it could not warrant such a red faced display of anger!/谈的不算少,有时候也争的~,…… (夏衍《考验》27) We’ve had plenty of private sessions and at quite a few of them we’ve argued till both of us were red in the face.
❍ 袁廷发禁不住~。(艾芜《百炼成钢》221) Yuan flushed to his ears.
❍ 他的声调和旁座~地争论行情的喧哗夹杂在一起,显得十分和谐。(罗广斌、杨益言《红岩》140)This remark was quite in harmony with the heated discussion on market conditions which was going on at the next table.
❍ 性急的洪珊老师没等到书茵把话说完,已经~的冒起烟来了:……(高云览《小城春秋》252) Before Shuyin had even finished,the teacher,red to the ears,seethed:…/过去谈定额,斤斤较量,要加这么百分之三,百分之五,会争到~。(夏衍《考验》75) When we talked about quotas we used to argue on every small detail. An increase of three or five per cent would make us fight tooth and nail./“父子间没有什么恩”这一断语,实是招致“圣人之徒” ~的一大原因。(鲁迅《坟》106) The statement that “the son need feel under no obligation to his father”is largely responsible for making“the sages disciples”turn crimson with rage.


be red in the face;flushed


be red in the face;be flushed
争得~argue until everyone is red in the face;have a heated argument (or debate)/急得~be flushed with anxiety/羞得~ blush with shame or shyness

面红耳赤miàn hónɡ ěr chì

赤:脸和耳朵都红了。形容害羞,也形容急噪或发怒的样子。be red in the face, blush up to the ears, colour up, get red in the face, be flushed





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