释义 |
lenityn. 1. gentleness,mildness温柔,温和。 △Rom.3.1.129(123): “respective lenity,”i.e.considerate mildness.(由于朱丽叶而对悌暴应采取的)体贴的温和态度。 2. mercy and forgiveness,clemency,leniency宽恕,宽厚,宽大。 △H.V.3.6.121 (112):“for when lenity andcruelty play for a kingdom.”因为当宽厚和残暴在为一个上国而竟争的时候。 △1H.VI. 5.4.124: “That,in regardKing Henry gives consent/Of mere compassion andof lenity,/To ease your country of distressful war/And suffer you to breathe in fruitful peace,”鉴于国王亨利完全出自怜悯和宽厚之心,为了使你们国家免受战争之苦,并让你们在和平富裕生活中稍事喘息,特同意…。 △3H.VI. 2. 2.9: “My gracious liege,this too much lenity/ Andharmful pity must be laid aside.”我仁慈的主上,你这种过分的宽大和有害的怜悯心必须放在一边了。 △3H.VI. 2. 6. 22:“And what makes robbers bold but too much lenity?”除了过分宽大还有什么使得盗贼肆无忌惮呢? |