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单词 learn


1. hear,be told or informed. get to know听说,得知,知道。
△H. VIII. 2. 2. 135 (134):“Learn this,brother,”老兄,要知道这一点。
be yet to learn: be not yet told,still do not know还没有被告知,还不知道。
△3H. VI. 4. 4. 2: “Why,brotherRivers,are you yet to learn / What late misfortune isbefallen Kin g Edward?” (Rivers: the Queen's elderbrother.)怎么,利佛斯兄长,你还不知道国王爱德华最近遭遇的不幸吗?
2. find out,ascertain by inquiry 找出,问明。
△ Rom. 11. 149 (144): “I neither know it,nor can learn ofhim.”我不知道,问他也问不出来。
3. teach教,教导。
△ Gent. 2. 6. 13:“To learn his wit t'exchange the bad for better;”指点他的理性去把坏的换为好的。
△Gent. 5. 3. 3: “A thousand more mischancesthan this one / Have learned me how to brook this patiently.” 上千次比这更大的不幸,早已教会了我如何忍受这一遭。
△As. 1. 2. 6: “you must not learn me how to re-member any extraordinary pleasure.”你总无法教我想到什么特殊可喜的事情。
△Ado. 4. 1. 30: “Sweet Prince,you learn me noble thankfulness.”好殿下,你教会我一个最好的感恩之道。
△Rom. 1. 4. 94 (93): “learns themfirst to bear,” i.e. first teaches them to bear children.教她们怎样生养儿女。
△Rom. 3. 2. 12: “And learn mehow to lose a winning match.” i. e. teach me how tolose a winning match or contest; in losing her virgini-ty she wins Romeo as her husband. 请你教我如何在胜利的比赛中自甘失败。
~ vb. refl. teach教,使…学习。
△Rom. 4. 2. 18 (17):“Where I have learnt me to repent the sin / Of diso-bedient opposition / To you and your behests.”我自知忤逆不孝,违抗了您和您的训教,所以去找个地方忏悔认罪。
1. hear听。
△R.III. 1. 1. 53: “But,as I can learn,/He hearkens after prophecies and dreams.” 但是,据我听说,他相信预言和梦,
△Lr. 1. 4. 136 (122):”Learnmore than thou trowest.”听得多,信的少。
2. receive instruction接受教诲。
△Oth. 2. 1. 162 (161):“Do not learn of him,Emilia,though he be thy hus-band.”爱米利娅,不要听他的教诲,虽然他是你的丈夫。


v. 学习,学会
◇learn by heart熟记
learn by note死记硬背
learn by rote强记
learn from (by)从…学习
learn how to do sth. 学会做…/ learn of… through…通过…知道
learn on job见习
learn or practise martial arts练武
learn the line by heart背诵台词,熟记台词
learn the news of接到…消息
‖ learn academy of classical learning书院
learn to read识字
learn words in interesting way趣味识字
learnable adj. 可学得的
learned[ˈlə:nid]adj. 有学问的[lə:nd],[lə:nt]经过训练学到的
learned behavior习得行为
learned goal习得目标
learned journal学刊
learned language学术语言
learned man学者
learned organization学术团体,学术研究组织
learned report学术报告
learned shot熟练的一手
learned society学会,学术团体
learned word文言词
learning ability学习能力
learning activities学习活动
learning activities in schools学校教学活动
learning activity package学习活动课件
learning and adapting capability学习适应能力
learning and drama学识与戏剧
learning and working school工读学校
learning areas 学习领域
learning assumption学习假设
learning block学习困难
learning by analogy举一反三,类比学习法
learning by appointment system定时学习制
learning by chance机遇学习
learning by contract system合约制学习法
learning by doing从做中学
learning by experience从经验中学习
learning by imitation模仿学习
learning capacity学习能力
learning center学习中心
learning collective学习集体
learning contrast学习对比
learning curve练习曲线,学习曲线
learning difficulty学习难度
learning dilemma学习困境
learning disability无学习能力
learning disorder学习障碍
learning drive学习内驱力
learning environment inventory学习环境调查表
learning experience学习经历
learning fatigue学习疲劳
learning goal学习目标
learning guide学习指导
learning hierarchy学习层级结构,学习层次
learning incentive学习诱因
learning initiative学习积极性
learning interest学习兴趣
learning kit学习材料
learning laboratory学习实验室
learning machine学习机
learning management学习管理
learning materials学习材料
learning method学习方法
learning motivation学习动机
learning needs学习需要
learning network学习网络
learning objectives 学习目标
learning of learning method学习方法的学习
learning of problem solving解决问题的学习
learning outcome学习成果
learning package学习课件
learning pattern学习模式
learning potence学习潜力
learning potential assessment device学习潜力评价方法
learning process学习过程
learning programme学习程序
learning psychology学习心理学
Learning Recognition Scheme进修奖励计划
learning resources学习辅助资料,学习资料,学习资源
learning resources centre学习资源中心
learning sequence学习顺序
learning set学习定势,学习定向
learning simulation学习模拟
learning skills学习技能
learning stages学习阶段
learning situation学习情境
learning strategy学习策略
learning stuff学习材料
learning style学习方式
learning system学习体系
learning target学习目标
learning team学习小组
learning techniques学习技巧
learning theory学习理论
learning through living从生活中学习
learning to learn学会学习
learning to manage large enterprises well while relaxing control over small ones抓大放小
learning type学习类型
learning variables学习变量
learning web学习网
learning with assiduity勤奋学习
learner-centered approach以学习者为中心的方法
learner-centered education以学习者为中心的教育
learner-centered teaching以学习者为中心的教学
learnercontrolled approach学生参加决定的方法
learner-controlled education学生参加决定的教育
learner-controlled instruction学生参加决定的教学
learner verification and revision (LVR)学习者验证与修订





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