释义 |
pettera. (mispronunciation) better (发音错误)更好。 △Wiv.1.1.42: “It is petter that friends is thesword,and end it;” i.e.It is better that the quarrel be settled by the intervention of friends.最好还是大家和和气气解决。(按:Sir Hugh Evans是威尔士人,常将b读为p,将d读为t.将v读为f.因此在他的台词中py = by,petter= better,prain = brain. pring = bring,goot = good,Got = God,fery = very等。另外,他往往将一个词开头的W省去,如orld = world,ord. ort = word,ork =work,oman = woman等,不再一一注出,读者注意。) △H.V.5.1.6:“Which you and yourself,and all theworld,know to be no petter than a fellow,look younow,of no merits,”这个人,你、你自己以至全世界都知道,比一个毫无是处的家伙,你瞧,也好不到哪里去。 |