◇in ...language用…语言说
‖ commonly used language通用语种
diplomatic language外交辞令
language ability certificate语言能力证明
language acceptor语言接收系统
language acquisition语言习得
language acquisition model语言习得模式
language appropriate to the occasion辞令
Language Arts语文
language arts语言艺术
language barrier语言障碍
language behaviour语言行为
language code语言代码
language community语言社团
language competence语言表达能力
language data语言数据
language deficit语言亏空
language development语言发展
language dictionary语文词典
language engineering语言工程学
language experience method语言经验法
language family语系
language games语言游戏
language group语言团体
language growth语言成长
language handicap语言障碍
language identification语言辨识
language laboratory语言实验室
language levels语言层次
language of instruction教学语言
language of official documents公文用语
language of science科学语言
language of the science科学用语
language of vision视觉用语
language pattern语言模式
language performance语言表达
language play语言游戏
language processing machine语言处理机
language responsible cognitive structure语言认知结构
language schema语言框架
language shift语言转变
language space语言空间
language structure语言结构
language teacher语文教师
language teaching语言教学
language transformation语言转换
language translation语言翻译
language translator语言翻译程序,语言翻译机
languages of finite order有限阶语言
languages of infinite order无限阶语言
non-poetic language非诗歌语言non-poetic language非诗歌语言
spoken language口语
the language of official documents公文用语
languistics n.语言学