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单词 quite
释义 quite /kwait; kwait/ adv 1 completely; altogether: 完全厂; 彻底地: He has ~ recovered from his illness. 血色完全康复。 I ~ agree/understand. 我十分同意 (了解) 。 She was ~ alone. 她非常孤独。 See that your watch is ~ ( = exactly) right. 务必要把你的曲对得非常准确。 That man is not ~ acceptable. 麻个人不大爱欢茹。 It was ~ (= at least) six weeks ago. 至少是六曲以前。 That's ~ another (ie a completely different) story. 那完全是另外一回事。 ~ the thing, (colloq) what is considered correct, fashionable, etc: (俗) 被认为是正确、流行等的东西: These Italian dress materials are ~ the thing this summer. 这些义大利衣料今夏很流行。 2 to a certain extent; more or less; in some degree: 到某种范围; 或多或少; 在某种程度内; 相当地: ( preceding articles and adj) (放在冠词和形容词之前) ~ a good player. 一个相当不错的运动员。 It's ~ warm today. 今天的天气相当暖和。 He was ~ polite, but he wasn't ready to help me. 他相当客气,但他并不愿意帮助我。 She ~ likes him, but not enough to marry him. 她相当喜欢他,但还不到跟他结婚的程度。 3 really; truly: 真正地; 真实地: They are both ~ young. 他们俩都很年轻。 She's ~ a beauty. 她真是个美人。 I believe they're ~ happy together. 我认员他们在一起的确很幸缩。 4 (used to indicate agreement, understanding, polite acquiescence) : (用以表示同意、了解、礼貌的默许): A: It's a difficult situation: B: Q~ (so).甲:'那是个很棘手的情势。乙:'的确如此! ' A: Tm so sorry; I'm afraid I've taken your seat.' B: 'Oh, that's ~ all right' 甲:'真抱歉,我恐怕坐在你的座位上了。乙: '哦,没关系。’




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