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单词 justice


1. one commissioned to holdcourts,those who control thelaws主持法庭的人,控制法律的人。
△1H.IV.2.1.94 (85):“Shewill,she will,justice hath liq-uored her.”不会的,不会的,执法者已经给她涂上油了。
2. judge,justice of the peace法官,治安法官。
△As.4.1.210 (199):“Well,Time is theold justice that examines all such offenders,and letTime try.”好,时间是审问这一类罪人的老法官,就让时间来裁判吧。
△As.2.7.153:“And then the justice,/In fairround belly with good capon lined,”然后是法官,圆鼓鼓的大肚子里塞满了阉鸡。
△As.5.4.103 (98): “I knewwhen seven justices could not take up a quarrel,”我知道有 一场七个法官都排解不了的争吵。
△Lr.4.6.156 (151):“see how yond justice rails upon yond simple thief.”看那边的那个法官怎样大骂那个卑贱的小偷。
△2H.IV. 5.2.102: “You are right,Justice,and you weigh thiswell.”你是对的,法官,你考虑得不错。(按:此句又作You areright Justice,i.e.true or ideal Justice,Justice personi-fied.“你是真正的法官〈或正义的化身〉”。)
△ 2H.IV.5.4.28(26):“Come,you rogue,come,bring me to a jus-tice.”来,你这坏蛋,来,带我去见法官吧。
△H.V.1.2.202:“The sad-eyed justice,”那眼神严厉的法官。

Elizabethan justices


◇bring sb. to justice把某人送交法院审判
do justice to公平对待
do one justice说公道话…公正起见
do oneself justice公正待已
failure of justice审判不公
in justice to为了对…公正起见
justice of the peacefirst offender初犯
uphold justice主持正义
‖ justice as fairness作为公平的正义
justice as regularity作为规则的正义
justice in Christian ethics基督教伦理的公正
Justice Itinerant巡回法官
Justice of Appeal of the Court of Appeal of the High Court (formerly known as Justice of Appeal)高等法院上诉法庭法官
justice of exchange交易公平
Justice of the Peace太平绅士,治安官
Justice Party正义党(1916年)/ sense of justice正义感
justifiable adj.正当的,合理的,有理由的
Justicia n.公正法庭
justifiability n.可审判性,可证性,可辩解性
justicial adj.正义的,公平的,…是正当的,…是合理的
justifiable adj.正当的,合理的,有理由的
justifiably n.正义,合法
justicialism n.正义主义…/justification n.辩护,证明,正义,合理
◇in justification of 为…辩护
Justification by Faith因信称义
justification function证明功能
justification of induction归纳法的证明
justification routine证明程序
justificationism n.证明主义
justifier n.辩护者,证明人
justify v.证明…是正当的,…是合理的,装版
justified price合理价格
justified raise合理上涨
justified rights正当权益
justified selling price不断上涨的售价
justifying bail符合具保人条件
justifying n.整版
justness n.有效性,正确性





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