interimn. 1.interval of time间隔时间。 △Ham.5.2.73:“the in-terim is mine,” i.e. the interval between now and thearrival of the news is in my hands. 目前这段时间还是我的。 △Oth.1.3.260 (258): “And I a heavy interimshall support / By his dear absence.”我就得因他那令人镂心刻骨的离别而需要打发一段沉闷孤单的时间。 △ Mac.1.3.153: “and at more time,/ The interim havingweighed it,” i.e. and hereafter,the interval havingpondered the meaning of it. 等有空,仔细考虑之后。 △H.V.5.Cho.42: “and myself have played the in-terim,”这中间的事都由我自己三言两语作了交代。 2.interval,refreshing interval 间歇,休息。 △L.L.L.1.1.170 (171):“For interim to our studies”,作为我们读书当中的余兴。 3. intermission中断。 △Tw.5.1.99 (95):“No inter-im,”毫无间断。 interim[ˈintərim]n.间歇,暂时,临时,幕间休息adj. 间歇的,暂时的,临时的 ◇in the interim同时,在过渡时期 ‖ interim agreement 临时协定 interim air defense system临时防空体系 interim application for payment临时支付申请 interim audit期中审计 interim award临时裁决 interim balance sheet期中资产负债表 interim bibliography暂定书目,临时性目录 interim bond 临时证券,临时债券 interim borrowing期中借贷 interim budget临时预算 interim certificate临时证书 interim chairman(大会)临时主席 interim charges临时费,临时开支 interim closing期中结算 interim collegiate certificate 临时大学文凭 interim committee临时委员会 interim contract gratuity中期约满酬金 interim credit临时贷款 interim development report(学生)中期发展报告 interim development report中间发展报告 interim dividend期中股利,期中股息 interim earnings期中赢利 interim earnings statement期中赢利报告表 interim financial statement中期财务报表 interim government过渡政府 interim housing allowance 临时住房补贴 interim income statement期中损益计算书 interim injunction临时禁止令 interim interest临时利息 interim means过渡措施 Interim of Augsburg奥格斯堡和约 interim payment暂时发放金额,期中付款 interim period过渡期 interim plan过渡计划 interim policy阶段性政策 interim purchase应急采购 interim receipt临时收据 interim reform临时改革 interim reform package一揽子临时改革办法 interim regulations暂行条例 interim relief临时救济 interim rent临时租金 interim reply初步答复 interim report中期报告,临时报告 interim rescue unit临时救援单位 interim sea control ship临时海上控制舰 interim seaworthiness certificate临时适航证书 interim statements期中决算表,中期报表 interim stock临时债券 interim tax return期中所得税申报表 interim term financing中期资金筹措 interim trial临时试验 interim warrant临时保证 |