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单词 遮天盖地

遮天盖地zhē tiān gài dì

blot out the sky and hide the earth; obscure both sky and earth; swarming
❍ 吴兵见先主奔走,皆要争功,各引大军,~,往西追赶。(《三国演义》720) As soon as the men of Wu noticed the flight they pressed forward,each anxious to gain kudos by the capture of the king’s person. Great armies,blotting out the sky and hiding the earth.
❍ 逊方欲出阵,忽然狂风大作,一霎时,飞砂走石,~。(《三国演义》723) But as Lu Xun glanced round to look for an exit a sudden squall came on and the dust whirled up,obscuring both sky and earth.
❍ 周大勇跟自己主力部队在一块的时候,就是敌人~的扑来,他心里也是稳当的。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》299) When he was together with the main forces,Dayong was calm even when the enemy came swarming toward him by the thousands.

遮天盖地zhē tiān ɡài dì

遮:掩蔽。形容数量多,所占的面积非常大。blot out the sky and hide the earth, obscure both sky and earth





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