n. impulse冲动。
△2H.VI.3.2.250: “Andmere instinct of love and loyalty,”纯粹出于爱戴和忠诚的冲动。
◇by instinct出于本能,凭直觉
have an instinct for生性爱好
‖ instinct of appropriation占有本能
instinct of combination综合本能
instinct of construction建造本能
instinct of curiosity好奇本能
instinct of imitation模仿本能
instinct of self-preservation自我保护的本能
instinct of workmanship改进技艺的本能,手艺本能
instinct theory本能理论
instinctive adj.本能的
instinctive action本能活动
instinctive actor本色演员
instinctive archer光弓射箭运动员
instinctive behaviour本能行为
instinctive class光弓级
instinctive form of truth天然的真理
instinctive habit本能习惯
instinctive imitation模仿本能
instinctive impulses本能的冲动
instinctive morality本能的道德
instinctive movement本能运动
instinctive need自然的需要
instinctive passion内在的欲念
instinctively adv. instinctivism n.本能主义
instinctivist n.本能主义者