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单词 agency
agency/′eɪdʒ ǝnsi/ n [-yies /z/]

(1)代理(办)机构(office or place of business that provides a specified service) [C]:An employment~finds work for people and workers for employers.职业介绍所给人们找工作,给雇主找工人。get a job through an employment~通过职业介绍所找到一个工作;a travel/detective~旅行社/侦探所;an advertising~广告社;a real estate~房地产经纪所;

(2)代理(办)处(office or place of business of a person who represents a business)[C]:Our company/firm has~ies all over the country(world).我们公司/公司在全国(世界)各地都有代办处。a secretarial~秘书处;

(3)政府机构(government office of administration or regulation)[C](尤AmE):Central Intelligence A~中央情报局;Environmental Protection A~环保局;A~for International Development 国际开发总署;government~ies 政府机构;〖同〗department;

(4)力量,作用,影响(power or force which causes a result;influence)[C,常sing](fml):Iron is melted by/through the~of heat.铁由于热的作用熔化。Rocks are worn smooth by/through the~of water.由于水的作用岩石变光滑。He was set free by/through the~of friends.由于朋友们的斡旋他获释了。We have detected his~in the trouble in the office.我们已查明他在办公室所发生的那场争端中所起的作用。The dispute was resolved through the~of mediators.这场争端通过调停人的调解得到了解决。〖同〗power,action,influence;

←′agent n 代理人(商);作用物(者);(化学)药剂;特务





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