imperfecta. 1. incomplete,giving an incomplete account不完全的,叙述不完全的。 △Mac.1.3.70: “Stay,you imperfectspeakers,” (The rising mist warns Macbeth that theyare about to depart. The witches are imperfect in theobscurity of their words.)等一等,你们的话没有说完;(又译)且慢,你们这些闪烁其词的预言者。 2. not finished,not settled未完结的,未安排的。 △Lr.4.3.3:“Something he left imperfect in the state,whichsince his coming forth is thought of,”他在国内有点什么事没有安排妥当,他出来以后才想起来。 imperfect[imˈpə:fikt]adj.不完美 (整)的,遗憾的 ‖ imperfect competition不完全竞争 imperfect copy残本 imperfect field不完全域 imperfect figure不完全的格 imperfect gift不完全赠与 imperfect ideas不完全的观念 imperfect induction不完全归纳法 imperfect knowledge不完全的知识 imperfect market不完全市场 imperfect sheet残页 imperfect syllogism不完全的三段论 imperfect tape次品磁带 imperfect thought不完全的思想 imperfect trust不完全信托 imperfectly adv.imperfection n. imperfectible adj.不能完善的 |