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单词 deserve
deserve/dɪ′zɜ:v, AmE -′zɜ:rv/ vt [-ed, -ed/d/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]

应得(受),值得(have earned as a right by one's actions; be worthy of) [T+n T+to-inf] [不用prog]:(article)~careful study/sb's attention/the criticism(文章)值得认真学习/值得某人注意/应受批评;(bad behaviour/bad acts)~a good beating/punishment(不良行为)应受一顿痛打/惩罚;(person)~the glory/the praise/the good fortune/the help/a reward/a medal/thanks/first prize/better treatment/recognition of one's achievements(人)应该得到荣誉/表扬/好运/帮助/奖赏/奖章/感谢/一等奖/更好的对待/对其成就的承认;He richly~d whipping/all that happened to him. 他实在应该挨一顿鞭子/他所发生的一切实在是罪有应得。What have I done to~this? 我做了什么错事竟然受到这种报应?~to be sent to prison/to be punished 活该送进监狱/受惩罚;~to be congratulated/to be well treated 值得祝贺/优待;~to win/to succeed 应该取胜/成功;~better than to be married to sb 应该嫁个比某人更好的人;~d praise/honour/punishment 应得的表扬/荣誉/惩罚;〖同〗 merit;

deserve well/ill of sb 得到某人的好/恶报;Lincoln~d well of his country. 林肯受到国人的爱戴。

→ de′servedly adv 理所应得地;unde-′servedly adv 不应得地;de′serving adj 应(值)得的;unde′serving adj 不应(值)得的;de′serts n(pl) 应得的惩罚





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