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humourn. People of Shakespeare’s time believed thatall things consist of four elements: fire,water,earth,and air; and in the human body these elements appearas four humours: fire = choler,water = phlegm.earth = melancholy or black bile,air = blood. Aman’s temperament or nature depends upon the wayin which these humours are tempered or mixed inhim. So in Elizabethan English humour has a widersense than now. Meantime the excessive use of thisword in fashion in Shakespeare’s time is often ridi-culed by him. 莎士比亚时代的人认为万物均由火、水、土、空气四大元素构成,在人体中这四种元素分别形成为胆汁、黏液、忧郁液和血液四种体液,而一个人的气质或天性则由某种体液在他身体内占主导地位所决定。humour是当时的时髦名词,在频繁使用中派生出多种含义,但有时用得过滥,也变成无意义的笑料。 1. fluid in the body (人的)体液。 △Rom.4.1.94:“Andthis distilling liquor drink thou off,/ When presentlythrough all thy veins shall run / A cold and drowsyhumour;”你把这蒸馏过的汁液一口喝下,那时就立刻会有一股寒冷昏沉之感透过你的浑身血脉。 2. fluid of the human body; moisture (人的)体液;湿气。 △Ado.3.2.26: “What? Sigh for the toothache?Where is but a humour or a worm.” (Toothacheswere supposed to be caused by abnormal secretions orby small worms in the teeth.)怎么? 为了牙疼而叹气?那只不过因为出了点脓水,或者一条小虫作怪。(按:过去认为牙疼系因体液不正常或牙虫引起。) 3. temperament,character,disposition气质,性格,性情。 △2H.IV.2.4.256 (236):“Sirrah,what humour’s theprince of?”喂,太子是怎样的性情? △2H.VI. 5.1.132:“Ay,Clifford; a bedlam and ambitious humour /Makes him oppose himself against his king.”不错,克利福;疯狂而野心勃勃的性情使他公然与他的国王作对。 △R.III.4.4.269 (268):“That would I learn of you,/ As onebeing best acquainted with her humour.”这就要向你请教了,因为你最了解她的性格。 4. mental disposition,temperamental bent,temper脾性,脾气。 △Shr.4.1.183 (180): “He kills her in herown humour.”i. e. He subdues her ill temper with aworse temper.他用她自己的那套脾气来治她。 △ L.L.L.5.1. 10 (9):“His humour is lofty,”他的秉性傲慢。 △Mid.1. 2. 30 (28):“yet my chief humour is for a tyrant.”但是扮演一个暴君才最合我的胃口。 △Mer. 4.1.43:“it ismy humour,”这是我的脾气。(又译:这是我的爱好。) △As.3.2.19: “As it is a spare life …it fits my humourwell;”由于这是一种俭朴的生活,它很合我的脾气。 △Ado.1.1.136(130):“I am of your humour for that.”我在这一点上和你的脾气是一样的。 △Oth.3.4. 123 (124): “Mylord is not my lord; nor should I know him/Were hein favour as in humour altered.”我的丈夫已经不是我的丈夫了;要是他的面貌也像他的脾气变了样,我简直要不认识他了。 △2H.IV.2.1.164 (148):“Come,and (=if) ’twere(=it were) not for thy humours,there’s not a betterwench in England.”算了,要不是因为你的这种脾气,全英国也找不出比你更好的姑娘了。 5. state of mind,mood,inclination,tendency心境,心情,意向,倾向。 △Com.1.2.21:“Lightens my humourwith his merry jests.” 说些笑话使我的心情轻松一下。 △Wiv.4.2. 214(199): “Let’s obey his humour a little further.”我们就再顺着他的意思办吧。 △Rom.1.1.134(129): “Pursued my humour,not pursuing his,” i.e.followed my own mood and left Romeo alone,followed my inclination for solitude by not demandingfrom Romeo the reason for his similar inclination. 按照我个人的心情自找去处,而不去追踪他。 △Rom.1.1.141:“Black and portendous must this humour prove,”这种心情恐怕是不祥之兆。 △Oth.4.2.165: “’tis but his humour.”这只是他一时的心情不好。 △1H.IV.1.2. 217(195): “and will a while uphold / The unyoked humour of your idleness,”我暂时支持你们这种没有约束的轻浮倾向。 △H.V.2.1.58 (55): “I have an humour to knock you indifferently well.”我倒有心把你美美地揍一顿。 △R.III.1.2. 229 (227): “Was ever woman in thishumour wooed?/ Was ever woman in this humour won?”可曾有女人在这样的心情之中被人求婚? 可曾有女人在这样的心情之中被人赢得? △R.III.1.4.120 (117):“I hope this passionate humour of mine will change.“我希望我这种感情用事的心情会转变。 △R.III.4.1.64:“To feed myhumour wish thyself no harm.” i.e. do not curse yourself just to satisfy my vengeful mood.不要为了宽我的心而诅咒你自己。 6. bent of mind心愿。 △Ado.5.4.102 (101): “flout me out of my humour.”把我嘲笑得改变了自己的主意。 7. whim,fancy兴致,爱好。 △Shr.1.2. 108 (107):“let him go while the humour lasts,”让他乘着这股兴致就去吧。 △Wiv.1.1.137 (133): “Slice,that’s my humour.”切片,我爱好的就是这个。 △Ado.1. 3. 18 (17):“laugh when I am merry,and claw no man in his humour.”我高兴了就笑,从不去迎合别人的兴致。 8. caprice,whim,fancy怪想头,奇想,幻想。 △As.3.2.445 (418):“from his mad humour of love to a living humour of madness,”从他那对于爱情的疯狂幻想一变而为实实在在的疯狂念头。 △As. 5.4.61 (58):“a poor humour of mine,sir,to take that that (= that which) no man else will.”这是我的怪脾气,先生,偏要人家不肯要的。 △Tw. 2. 5. 59 (52): “And then to have the humour of state;”i.e. the whims of the great.显示一下贵人的脾气。 △Rom.2.1.7: “Romeo! humours! (i.e. whimsies,caprices.) madman! passion! lover!” 罗米欧! 痴人! 疯子! 恋人! 情郎! 9. freaks of temperament or conduct怪脾气,怪诞行为。 △2H.IV.2.4.176(163):“These be good humours indeed!”i.e. fine goings indeed.好大的脾气,真是的! 10. capriciousness,changeableness 反复无常,多变。 △Tw.1.4.5:“You either fear his humour or my negligence,that you call in question the continuance of his love.”你一定是恐怕公爵的脾气善变,或是我的性情疏忽,所以你才怀疑他的宠爱能否继续下去。 11. conceit巧思。 △L.L.L.3.1.24 (23):“these are humours,”这就是花头。 12. mirth,merriment,mockery欢笑,欢乐,嘲笑。 △Tw.2.5.95 (84): “O,peace,and the spirit of humours intimate reading aloud to him!”i.e. may the spirit of mockery suggest to him that he reads it aloud. 啊,别做声,但愿戏谑之神提示他高声朗读才好! △Wiv.3.1.87 (85):“Pray you let us not be laughingstocks to other men's humours.”请你不要使我们成为别人取乐的笑柄。 13. figure of speech修辞手段,形象比喻。 △Wiv.1.3.54(51):“Will that humour pass?”这句俏皮话还算不错吧? △Wiv.1.3.61 (56):“The humour rises; it is good.”话说得越来越俏皮;好得很。 14. The excessive use of this word in fashion in Shakespeare's time is often ridiculed by him,especial ly in Corporal Nym's jargon in Wiv. and H. V.,in which the word becomes one of any meaning,down to no meaning在莎士比亚时代,humour一词成为一个时髦字眼,被大家滥用。这一现象在莎剧中受到嘲笑。特别是在《温莎的风流娘儿们》和《亨利五世》两剧中,尼姆班长用这个词儿表达任何意思,到处乱用,达到了失去这个词儿的本来意思的地步 △Wiv.2.1.130(128): “I like not the humour of lying. He hath wronged me in some humours. I should have borne the humoured letter to her;”我不喜欢说谎的习惯。他有许多地方对不起我。我本该把这封情书给她送去。 △Wiv.2.1.138 (135): “I love not the humour of bread and cheese,and there's the humour of it.”我对于面包和干酪没有胃口,这就是我的胃口。 15.❶fancy,whim,caprice幻想,怪念头,奇想。 ❷morbid bodily fluids such as bile,phlegm,choler and blood; diseases (thought to be the product of these fluids)致病的体液(如黑胆汁、痰、胆汁、血);(由于这些体液所引起的)种种疾病。 trunk of humours: ❶chest of caprices怪脾气的箱子: ❷receptacle or container of morbid bodily fluids or diseases充满疾病的容器。 △1H.IV.2.4.500 (448):“Why dost thou converse with that trunk of humours.”你为什么要交结那个怪脾气的箱子(又译:充满疾病的容器;毛病篓子)? Phrases & Expressions: bad humours: ❶ill temper,ill will,displeasure坏脾气,恶意,不满。 △H.V.2.1.128(121): “The King hath run bad humours on the knight.”国王对这位爵士发了好大一顿脾气。 ❷injuries损害。 △H.V.3.2.28 (26):“These be good humours! your honour wins bad humours.”i.e. your homage only gains injuries from him. 这可真算是好脾气! 你对他尊敬,却得到了侮辱。 church-like humours: pious disposition,temperament befitting a clergyman虔诚的性格,适于做教士的脾气。 △2H.VI.1.1.248 (247): “Whose church-like humours fits not for a crown.”他那像教士一般的脾气不适合当国王。 good humours: good temper好脾气。 △H.V.3.2.28(26): “These be good humours!” (Ironical.)i.e. Arethese what you call good humours?这可真算是好脾气!humour of forty fancies: ❶probably the title of acollection of ballads such as were called fancies,usedhere for fantastical ornament可能指《情歌40首》一类的小歌本;插在帽子上作为一种奇特的装饰品。 ❷many ribbonstied together,instead of a feather杂色缎带捆在一起以代替羽毛作为帽饰。(“No one knows what it means. ”此语迄今无确解。) △Shr.3.2.71 (68): “and the humour offorty fancies pricked in't for a feather.” 上面插着《情歌一束》,代替一根羽饰。 humour of it: way it's going情况。 △H.V.3.2.5:“The humour of it is too hot,that is the very plainsong of it.”现在这么着未免太厉害了,我说的可是实情。 humours of blood: moods,temperament,natural dis-position,caprices of disposition情绪,性情,癖性,怪癖。 △2H.IV.2.3.30: “In military rules,humours ofblood,”在作战规则方面,以及性情脾气方面。 idle humour: absurd fancy无聊的幻想,胡思乱想。 △Shr.Ind.2.14 (13): “Heaven cease this idle hu-mour in your honour!”但愿上天扫除老爷的这种胡思乱想!that is the humour of it: ❶that is my intention这就是我的心意。 △H.V.2.1. 62 (59): “and that's the hu-mour of it.” i. e. that's my intention. 这就是我的心意。 △H.V. 2. 1. 73 (69): “I will cut thy throat one timeor other in fair terms,that is the humour of it.”总有一天我要把你的喉管完全割断,这就是我的心意。 ❷that is theway,that is the situation情况就是如此。 △H.V.2.1.102 (97):“That now I will have: that' s the humour ofit.”现在我要的就是这个;情况就是如此。
humourvt. 1. comply with the humour of,influence by observingone's inclinations顺应…的脾气,通过顺应…的心意而影响… △Ado.2.1.398 (380):“I will teach you how to hu-mour your cousin,that she shall fall in love with Ben-edick.”我要教你如何顺着你妹妹的脾气行事,好让她与班尼狄克发生恋爱。 2. indulge,gratify by compliance,tamper with迁就,迎合,以不正当手段影响。 △L.L.L.4.2.51:“to humourthe ignorant,”为了就蠢人。 △2H.IV.5.1.78 (71):“If I had a suit to Master Shallow,I would humourhis men with the imputation of being near their mas-ter;”如果我有事要求夏禄先生,我就去奉承他的仆人们,夸他们多么受主人的信任。 3. adapt oneself to使自己适应于,顺着。 △L.L.L.3.1.14 (13):“humour it with turning up your eyelids,”顺着曲调不时地翻起眼皮。 |