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单词 panel
释义 panel /'paenl; 'psenl/ n 1 separate part of the surf ace of a door, wall, ceiling, etc usu raised above or sunk below the surrounding area. 门、 墙、天花板等的镶板; 嵌板; 方格 (通常高出或低于其周围部份) 。 2 piece of material of a different kind or colour inserted in a dress. 衣服上所缝缀的不同质料或颜色的布块; 饰块。 3 board or other surface for controls and instruments: 装控制开关及仪器的板或面; 仪表板: 'instrument ~, of an aircraft or motorvehicle; (飞机或汽车的) 仪表板; control ~, on a radio or TV set. (收音机或电视机上的) 控制板。 4 list of names, eg of men who may be summoned to serve on a jury. 名单 (例如陪审员名单) 。 5 group of speakers, esp one chosen to speak, answer questions, take part in a game, before an audience, eg of listeners to a broadcast: (广播等中的) 座谈小组; 答问小组; 游戏小组: (attrib) (形容用法) a , ~ discussion/game. 小组讨论 (小组游戏) 。 vt (-II-, US -I-) fumish or decorate with ~ s (1,2) : 镶板于; 以方格装饰; 饰以嵌板; 缝饰块于: a ~ led room/wall/wainscot. 嵌板房间 (格子墙; 方格壁板) 。 ~ ling n [U] series of ~s on a wall, etc. 墙壁等的锁板。




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