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单词 light
释义 词性词形谱(n)light(n)lighter lighting lightness lightener lighterage lights lightsomeness(v)light lighten(a)light lighted unlit lightful lightish lightless lightsome(ad)lightly light lightsomely
light¹ (lit/lighted lit/lighted) 义务阶段1500 全国卷频次:45


He tried for the football team, but the coach turned him down for being too 【light】.他试图参加足球队,但教练以体重太轻为由拒绝了他。(2014年江苏卷完形填空)I kept traveling between London and here and felt 【lighter】 than I had in months.我一直在伦敦和这里之间旅行,感觉比几个月前更轻松。(2011年四川卷完形填空)Open your presents!" As the children opened their packages, their faces beamed and their bright smiles 【lit】 up the room.打开你们的礼物!" 当孩子们打开他们的包裹时,他们的脸上露出了笑容,他们明亮的笑容照亮了整个房间。(2010年浙江卷完形填空)The technology, Strano said, could one day be used to light the rooms or even to turn trees into self-powered street lamps.斯特拉诺说,这项技术有一天可以用来照亮房间,甚至把树木变成自供电的路灯。They (the sun's rays) could light up cities by night.它们(太阳光)可以在夜晚照亮城市。
lighted 全国卷频次:0
light的过去时或过去分词 & 燃烧的,点燃的
100 million birds a year throughout North America die in crashes with lighted buildings and towers.整个北美地区每年有1亿只鸟在与照明建筑和塔楼的碰撞中死亡。Make sure the place you choose is well lighted, and sit in a chair that requires you to sit straight.确保你选择的地方光线充足,并坐在需要你坐直的椅子上。
lit 全国卷频次:3
They (the birds) will even enter churches when beeswax candles are being lit.它们(鸟儿)甚至会在点燃蜂蜡蜡烛时进入教堂。Dark environments are more likely to encourage overeating, for people are often less self-conscious(难为情)when they’re in poorly lit places.黑暗的环境更有可能鼓励暴饮暴食,因为人们在光线不足的地方时,往往不太自觉(难为情)。Unlike some dark buildings at night, the building where she works is fully lit.与一些夜间黑暗的建筑不同,她工作的建筑是完全照明的。When we handed him the bag of food, he lit up.当我们把食物袋递给他的时候,他就亮了起来。
光亮;灯光;交通信号灯 & 明亮的;轻的;浅色的;少量的
You should stick to eating lighter foods.你应该坚持吃比较清淡的食物。Very soon, bright lights were turned on.很快,明亮的灯光被打开了。At one point along an open road, I came to a crossing with a traffic light.沿着一条开阔的道路,我来到了一个有红绿灯的路口。Each issue brings to light new and newsworthy topics to make dinnertime and water-cooler conversations interesting.每期都会带来新的、有新闻价值的话题,使晚餐时间和水冷的谈话变得有趣。The two men threw all their equipment into the water to make the balloon lighter.两个人把他们所有的设备扔进水里,使气球变轻。




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