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单词 生吞活剥

生吞活剥shēng tūn huó bō

swallow sth. raw and whole—accept sth. uncritically; mechanically learn(sth) or take (other’s experience);force an interpretation of a text without real understanding
❍ 但是一切外国的东西,如同我们对于食物一样,必须经过自己的口腔咀嚼和胃肠运动,送进唾液肠液,把它分解为精华和糟粕两部分,然后排泄其糟粕,吸收其精华,才能对我们的身体有益,决不能~地毫无批判地吸收。(《毛泽东选集》667) However,we should not gulp any of this foreign material down uncritically,but must treat it as we do our food—first chewing it,then submitting it to the working of the stomach and intestines with their juices and secretions,and separating it into nutriment to be absorbed and waste matter to be discarded—before it can nourish us.
❍ 他们从欧美日本回来,只知~地谈外国。(《毛泽东选集》756) Coming home from Europe,America or Japan,they can only parrot things foreign.
❍ 听他说话的口气,象是他立刻就要去把敌人~。(杜鹏程《保卫延安》79) Quanyou sounded ready to go right out and swallow the enemy alive.

生吞活剥shēnɡ tūn huó bō

比喻不联系实际,生硬地抄袭、模仿。accept sth. uncritically, swallow raw and whole





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