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单词 hour


1. time时间。
△Rom.5.3. 267:“let my old life / Besacrificed some hour before his (= its) time,”让我这条老命在寿终之前提前一些时间牺牲掉吧。
△1H.IV.1.1.56:“Where they did spend a sad and bloody hour,”在那里他们进行了一场惨烈的血战。
2. appointment约会。
△2H.VI.2.1.180 (177):“'Tislike,my lord,you will not keep your hour.” (hour:appointment for the duel between Gloucester and theCardinal.)很可能,大人,你不会守约去决斗了。
not this hour: not for an hour yet还要过一个小时。
△Oth.2.3.13: “Not this hour,lieutenant; 'tis not yet ten o' the clock.” (Eleven has been announced as“closing time”.)还要过一个小时呢,副将;现在还不到10点钟。
to this hour: up to this time直到现在。
△1H.IV.3.2.93: “For all the world / As thou art to this hour wasRichard then When I from France set foot atRavenspurgh:”在一切方面,你直到现在都像当年的理查,那时候我刚从法兰西回来在莱文斯堡登陆。


n.小时,钟点 (pl.) 时刻,时机
◇ after hours下班后
at all hours在任何时间,一直不断地,随时
at odd hours偶尔
at the eleventh hour在危急关头
by the hour按时计
by the hour to gether不断地
from hour to hour随时
hour after hour连续地
improve the shining hour抓住机会
in the hour of need紧急时刻
off hours业务时间
on the hour准时地
out of hours八小时之外,业余时间
serve the hour随波逐流
to an hour恰好
‖ actual hour实际劳动时间
actual working hours实际工时
airborne hours空中飞行时间
business (office) hours办公时间
dinner hour午饭时间
flexible hours弹性工时
flexible working hours机动工时
hour hand时针
hour management工时管理
hour meter计时表
hour of observation观察时间
hour record一小时计时跑成绩,小时录
hour-glass pull漏斗形划水路线
hour-hand n.时针
hourly adj.& adv.时时刻刻,经常,按小时计
hourly job小时工
hourly pay钟点费
hourly rate按时计算率,按小时计报酬
hourly-rated employee时薪雇员
hourly wage小时工资,计时工资
hourly worker小时工
hourman n. 小时工,钟点工
hours of duty工作时数,值班小时
hours of loan service借阅时间
hours of work工作时数,工时
idle hours闲暇的时刻
information hour宣传节目时间
labour hour工时
normal hours标准工时
normal working hour正常工作时间
official hour规定的时间
off-work hours非工作时间
overtime hours加班小时
peak hours业务最繁忙时间
prescribed hour规定小时
rush hour交通高峰时刻
shop hours营业时间
universal hour世界时
working hours作业时间





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