overthrown. defeat 失败。 △ 1H.VI.1.2.49: “Haththe late overthrow wrought this offence?”莫不是最近的败仗造成了这种伤害? △1H.VI.3.2.110: “Now,quietsoul. depart when heaven please,/ For I have seenour enemies’ overthrow.”安静的灵魂,现在顺从天意离去吧,因为我已经看到了我们敌人的失败。 have the overthrow: be defeated 打了败仗。 △1H.VI.3.2.106: “We are like to have the overthrow again.”我们大概又打了败仗。
overthrowvt. 1.defeat. beat 击败,打败。 △1H.VI.1.1.108:“O,no:wherein Lord Talbot was o’erthrown.”啊,不是;塔尔博特在这一仗被打败了。 2. destroy. kill 毁灭,杀死。 △1H.VI.5.4.104:“Somany captains. gentlemen. and soldiers. / That in thisquarrel have been overthrown / And sold their bodiesfor their country's benefit,”这么多将军、绅士和士兵,都在这场争斗中被杀死,为了他们国家的利益而捐躯。 overthrow[ˈəuvəˈθrəu]v.推翻,颠覆,打倒n.扔得过远的球,门环 ◇ give the overthrow灭亡 have the overthrow灭亡 |