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单词 hard


1. harsh,unkind生硬的,不和善的。
△Ham. 2.1.107(104): “What,have you given him any hard words oflate?”怎么,你最近对他说过什么难堪的话吗?
2. unfeeling,hardened,obdurate无情的,麻木不仁的,顽固的。
△Mer.1.3.162(161): “Whose own hard dealings teaches them suspect / The thoughts of others!”他们自己干惯了硬心肠的事,反倒猜疑别人不怀好意!
3. rigorous,severe,cruel 严酷的,严厉的,冷酷的。
△As.1.2.197 (183): “I beseech you,punish me not withyour hard thoughts,where in I confess me muchguilty to deny so fair and excellent ladies any thing.”我请求你们,不要把我想得太坏,使我难过,虽然我承认拒绝这样美貌出众的两位小姐的任何要求都是很罪过的。
△Tw.3.1.128(115): “hard construction”.i.e. severe judgment (ofmy character). (对我的为人的)严厉判断,不良看法。
△Lr.3.2.63: “Repose you there,while I to this hardhouse”. 你且在那里休息,我要回到那冷酷的人家。
△2H.IVEpi.32 (30):“Falstaff shall die of a sweat,unless al-ready 'a (= he) be killed with your hard opinions;”福斯塔夫将要出一身大汗死去,除非他早被诸位的严厉批评杀死。
4. unfavourable,unkind,oppressive不利的,不和善的,压迫的。
△As.1.2.52 (48):“Indeed there is Fortune toohard for Nature,”真是,命运也太欺侮自然了。
5. disagreeable,difficult to be borne令人不快的,难以忍受的。
△Mer.1.2.27 (25): “Is it not hard,Nerissa,that I cannot choose one,nor refuse none?”奈莉莎,像我这样既不能选择,也不能拒绝,岂不是太难受了吗?
△H.V.4.1.253 (233): “O hard condition,” 啊,好难受的处境。
△1H.VI.2.5.87:“in pity of my hard distress,”同情我这难以忍受的苦难。
6. harsh,unpleasant 刺耳的,可厌的。
△Ado.5.2.38:“for ‘scorn’,‘horn’,a hard rhyme;”(Because“horn” is associated with the cuckold's horn.) 可以跟 scorn押韵的,只有horn.这是个令人讨厌的韵! (按:horn—词使人联想到妻子与人私通者头上的“角”。)
7. laborious,fatiguing吃力的,令人疲劳的。
△1H.IV.4.3.23: “Their courage with hard labour tame anddull,”他们的勇气由于鞍马劳顿而萎靡不振。
8. calloused by manual labour(由于体力劳动而)生了硬茧的。
△2H.VI.4.2.22(19):“Thou hast hit it; forthere's no better sign of a brave mind than a hardhand.”你说得对极了;因为高贵心灵(又译:优秀头脑)的最好标志就是生了硬茧的手。
9. hard-won,reluctant 不易获得的,勉强的。
△ Ham.1.2.60:“Upon his will I sealed my hard consent.”我在他的决心上盖印,勉强表示了同意。
10. ❶ difficult 难。
△Mer. 4. 1.78:“You may as welldo any thing most hard”,你还不如去做世上最难的事。
❷not soft 硬。
△Mer.4.1.79:“than which what's har-der?”还有什么比那个更硬?
11. difficult,not easy 困难的,不易的。
△Lr.3.6. 108(99):“Which,if convenience will not allow,/ Standin hard cure.”i.e. Will be difficult to heal. 倘若环境不允许,那就难治了。
△Mid.3.1.49 (47):“But there is twohard things.”但是还有两件难事。
△H.V.5.2.324(298): “It were,my lord,a hard condition for a maidto consign to.”陛下,这是一位少女所无法同意的困难条件。too hard for: too powerful for,more than a matchfor,more than (one) can manage 对…来说太强大了,对…来说是过于强大的对手,不是…所能对付得了的。
△1H.IV.1.2.202 (181): “Yea,but I doubt they will be toohard for us.”好,但是我担心我们打不过他们。
△H.VIII.5.1.56:“Charles,I will play no more tonight,/ Mymind's not on't,you are too hard for me.”i. e. youare too much for me. 查尔斯,今天晚上我不想再玩了,我心不在此,你也不好对付。


1. laboriously,with effort 吃力地,竭力地。
△L. L.L.4.1.1:“Was that the king,that spurred his horse sohard / Against the steep uprising of the hill?”那位策马向陡峭山坡奔驰的人,可是国王吗?
2. strongly,violently 强烈地,猛烈地。
△Com.3.1.59(58):“Master,knock the door hard.”主人,使劲儿敲门。
3. tightly,fast 紧紧地,牢牢地。
△Ham.2.1.87 (84):“He took me by the wrist,and held me hard,”他抓住我的手腕,紧紧地握着。
4. with difficulty 困难地。
△Oth.1.2.10: “I did fullhard forbear him.”我好不容易才宽恕了他。
5. ill,badly 不好,恶劣地。
△3H.VI.2.6.77: “What,not an oath? Nay,then the world goes hard / WhenClifford cannot spare his friends an oath.”怎么? 一句咒骂也没有? 不对呀,克利福连一句咒骂都不肯赏给朋友们,这世道可不妙呀。
6. disastrously 悲惨地。
△ Mer.3.2.291 (290):“It willgo hard with poor Antonio.”可怜的安东尼欧怕是要倒霉了。
7. close,near 接近,近。
hard by: near by,very near,at hand 邻近,很近,在近旁。
△Tw.1.3.115 (107): “The Count himself herehard by woos her.” 这儿的公爵自己就近向她求婚呢。
△Wiv.3.3.10:“be ready here hard by”,在附近听候差遣。
△ Lr.3.2.61:“Gracious my lord,hard by here isa hovel.”好陛下,离这里不远有一个棚屋。
△H.V.4.7.92(88):“What is this castle called that stands hard by?”坐落在近旁的那座城堡叫什么名字?
△ 2H.VI. 4.2.124(113):“Sir Humphrey Stafford and his brother arehard by,with the King's forces.”亨弗雷爵士和他的兄弟带着国王的队伍已经迫近了。
△ 3H.VI.1.2.51: “She ishard by with twenty thousand men,”她已经带领两万人马迫近此处。
hard at hand: very soon after 很快。
△Oth.2.1. 269(261): “When these mutualities so marshal the way,hard at hand comes the master and main exercise,”这种相互亲热一开了路,很快就要干出那主要的行动。
hard upon: close upon,close after,closely 紧接着,紧跟着,紧密地。
△Ham. 1.2.179:“Indeed,my lord,it fol-lowed hard upon.”的确,殿下,这件事紧接着来了。


adv. 牢固地,坚硬地,艰苦地,努力地
◇ abe hard up短缺
as hard as nails冷酷无情,铁石心肠
be hard at努力,刻苦
be hard by在附近,在旁边,在近处
be hard up fo r缺少
be hard on(upon)对…严厉,快将…/be hard up感到为难,短缺,在急需中
be hard up for缺少
hard and fast坚定不移的,固定的,严格的
hard at hand迫在眉睫
hold on hard握紧,坚持
take sth. hard对…耿耿于怀
‖ hard and fast rule硬性规定
hard aport左满舵
hard areas艰苦地区
hard ball棒球
hard board人造板
hard boiled fiction乏味的小说
hard bound精装的
hard brass激情铜管乐
hard cash硬币,现金
hard copy硬拷贝
hard court硬地球场
hard cover精装封皮
hard currency硬货币,价值稳定的货币
hard currency area硬通货地区
hard data经得起考验的资料
hard determinism严格决定论
hard disc硬磁盘
hard disk硬盘
Hard Edge Art硬边艺术
hard edge(绘画中)轮廓鲜明的边线,硬边线
hard edge painting硬边画
hard edger硬边画家
hard environment硬环境
hard evaluation硬评价
hard fight 苦战
hard fighting 苦战
hard-fought battle酣战
hard glass bulb硬制玻璃灯泡
hard gradiation高反差
hard helmet头盔
hard image黑白鲜明的图像
hard installation防原子设施
hard landing spacecraf t硬着陆航天器
hard light硬光
hard line强硬路线
hard-line Islamist强硬派伊斯兰教徒
hard liquor烈性酒
hard loan条件苛刻的贷款
hard Marxism强硬的马克思主义
hard mass人造宝石
hard money硬货币,硬通货,硬币,自筹资金
hard news硬新闻,纯消息,重大新闻
hard of hearing耳聋
hard paste porcelain硬瓷,中国瓷
hard paste硬质黏土
hard pen calligraphy硬笔书法
hard pen painting硬笔画
hard point地下发射场,地下指挥所
hard pottery硬瓷
hard psychology硬性心理学
hard resin硬树脂
hard right rudder右满舵
hard rock激烈摇滚乐
hard science硬科学,自然科学
hard scientist自然科学家
hard seats or berths on a train硬席
hard shot劲射
hard site防原子发射场
hard smash大力扣杀
hard spike重扣
hard start硬启动
hard stuff硬币
hard stuff lump现金
hard target难于摧毁的目标
hard technology硬技术,工程技术
hard tennis硬地网球
hard ticket很难买到票的演出
hard tone硬调
hard training大运动量训练
hard turn急转弯
hard up拮据
hard wood硬木
hard work艰苦奋斗
hard-and fast adj.严厉的,严格的
hardback n.精装
hardball n.强硬手段
hard-bitten adj.强硬的,坚强的
hard-boiled adj.强硬的,计划可行的
hardcover n. 精装
hard-drawn adj.冷拔的,硬拉的
harden v.使变硬,使坚固,坚挺,上涨
hardened gambier赌棍
hardened line硬化线
hardened silo防原子发射井
hardened site防原子发射场
hardened swindler惯骗
hardened thief惯偷
hardening agent硬化剂
hardenability n.硬化度
hardener n.硬化成分,淬火剂,硬化剂
hardest adj.顽固不化的,固定的,面临困难的
hardhanded adj.采取高压手段的
hard-hat n.安全帽,建筑工
hardheaded adj.现实的,实际的
hard-hearted adj.铁石心肠的
hardihood n.结实,大胆
hardiness n. 大胆,胆量,耐寒
hard-line adj. 强硬路线的
hard-liner n.主张采取强硬路线的人
hardness n.严厉,硬度,粗俗风格,强度,核防护能力
hardpan n.硬土层,硬盘,底价
hard-rolled adj. 冷轧的
hards n.硬煤,毛屑
hard-sell adj.强行出售的
hardsell v.强行推销
hardship n. 困苦,苦难
hardships fate严酷的命运
hard-stand n.停机坪
hard-tack n.硬饼干,旅行饼干
hard-top n.室内电影院
hardwall n. 隔板墙
hardware n. 金属元件,五金,硬件,装备
hardware engineer计算机硬件工程师
hardware language硬件
hardware store五金商店
hardwareman n. 五金工 ,五金商
hard-wearing adj.耐磨的,耐穿的
hard-won adj .辛苦得来的,来之不易的
hardworking n.勤劳,刻苦
hard-wrought adj. 冷锻的
hardy adj.坚固的,大胆的,能吃苦耐劳的





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