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handlen. handle of fan: Fans were costly appendages of femaledress in Shakespeare,They consisted of ostrich andother feathers,fixed into handles,some of which were made of gold,silver,or ivory of curious work-manship. 扇柄。在莎士比亚时代,扇子为上流妇女服饰中的重要附件,用鸵鸟毛等贵重羽毛制成,插入以金、银或象牙为原料、精工制作的扇柄里。 △Wiv.2.2.12:“when Mistress Bridg-et lost the handle of her fan,I took’t upon mine hon-our thou hadst it not.”布利吉特丢了她的扇柄,我还用我的名誉担保,说你没有拿。
handlevt. 1. treat对待。 △1H.VI.1.4.24:“How wert thou handled,being prisoner?”你做了俘虏,受到怎样的待遇? 2. talk of,speak of,treat of,touch on,discourse on谈到,说到,提及,谈论到。 △H.V.2.3.39(37):“'A did insome sort,indeed,handle women;”的确,他也讲过几句关于女人的话。 △R.III.3.7.18:“Indeed,left nothingfitting for your purpose / Untouched,or slightly han-dled in discourse.”说实在话,凡是与你的方针大计相符合的事,无一不提到,而且并非轻描淡写地随便说说。 handle[ˈhændl]n.手把,手柄,手枪,把手,把柄,口实,手感/ v.装柄,运用,处理,处置,操作,对付,掌握,控制,管理,维护,传送,搬运 ◇handle with gloves灵活处理 handle without gloves强硬对待 handle without mittens严厉对待 ‖ handle a case办案 handle a matter in a calm atmosphere软处理 handle cases according to law依法办案 handle day-to-day work处理日常事务 handle distribution经销 handle fire救火,灭火 handle official business on the spot现场办公 handle procedures for a loan办理贷款手续 handling ability处理能力 handling capacity吞吐量 handling charge手续费 handling in an oversimplified and crude way简单粗暴 handling person经办人 handling order装卸单 handling simulator飞行练习器 handler n.处理者 handling n.赃物处理 |