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单词 grief


1. bodily pain,disease 身体上的痛苦,疾病。
△2H.IV.1.1.143:“even so my limbs,/Weakened with grief,”我的肢体也是如此,它们因为身体上的痛苦而衰弱下去。
△1H.IV.1.3.51: “Out of my grief and my impatience / An-swered neglectin gly I know not what.”在我身上痛苦、心里又不耐烦之中,我心不在焉地回答,也不知道自己说了些什么。
△1H.IV. 5.1.134 (132):“Or take away the grief of awound?”再不然,能解除伤口的痛苦吗?
△ 2H.IV.Ind.13:“Whiles (= While) the big year,swollen with someother grief,/ Is thought with child by the stern tyrantwar,”当这年头正由于某种其他疾病而肚子胀大时,却被认为是被凶恶残暴的战神弄得怀下了孩子。
△Ado.3.2.28: “everyone can master a grief but he that has it.”除了身受苦痛的人之外谁都忍得住那苦痛。
2. mental pain,anguish,sorrow 内心的痛苦,苦恼,悲痛。
△Gent.5.4.142: “know then,I here forget all for-mer griefs,”我现在宣告,我愿意忘记以前的一切苦恼。
△ Mac.4.3.174:“What's the newest grief?”最近的痛心事是什么?
△ 2H.IV.1.1.143: “even so my limbs,Weakened with grief,being now enraged withgrief,/ Are thrice themselves.” i.e. become threetimes as strong as they would usually be.我的肢体也是如此,它们因为身体上的痛苦而衰弱下去,现在因为悲痛而激动起来,平添了三倍的力气。
△R.III.2.2.80: “Alas! I am themother of these griefs;”(From the Old Duchess thedead Yorkists,save her husband,are all descended.)唉,我是这一切悲痛的母亲。
△R.III.3.1. 114:“And beingbut a toy,which is no grief to give.”又不过是一件小玩意儿,他给了我也不会心疼。
3. cause of complaint,feeling of injury 抱怨的缘由,委屈情绪。
△2H.IV.4.2.35:“I sent your Grace,/ The par-cels and particulars of our grief,”我已经把我们所不满的种种项目和细节送呈殿下。
4. grievance 冤情,怨恨。
△2H.IV.4.1. 69:“And findour griefs heavier than our offences.”发现我们的冤情比我们的罪过要重得多。
△2H. IV. 4. 1. 107 (105):“Yet,foryour part,it not appears (i. e. does not appear) tome,/ Either from the king or in the present time,/
That you should have an inch of any ground / Tobuild a grief on.”但是,就你来说,我看无论从国王方面或是从当前时局方面,你都找不出一寸一分的诉冤理由。
△1H.IV.4.3. 41:“The king hath sent to know / The nature ofyour griefs.”国王派我来了解你们的怨恨。
△2H.IV.4.5.202 (203):“since griefs are green,/ And all myfriends,which thou must make thy friends,/ Have but their stings and teeth newly ta’en (= taken) out;”因为积怨犹新,而我所有的那些朋友,你也必须当做你自己的朋友的,他们的毒刺和利牙不过才刚刚拔掉。
△H.V.5.2.19:“and that (i.e. and we hope also that) this day / Shallchange all griefs and quarrels into love.”也希望今天能把一切怨愤和争执全都化为友爱。2H. VI.1.1. 173(172):“Cousin of Buckingham,though Humphrey's pride /And greatness of his place be grief to us,/ Yet let uswatch the haughty Cardinal;”白金汉尊兄,虽然亨弗雷的骄横和权位使我们怨恨,但我们也得留心这个傲慢的红衣主教。
△ 3H.VI.3.3.19: “Be plain,Queen Margaret,andtell thy grief;”玛格利特王后,请坦率说出你的苦情。
5. suffering 苦情,苦难。
△H.VIII. 1. 2. 56: “Thesubject's grief /Comes through commissions,whichcompels from each / The sixth part of his substance, to be levied / Without delay.”臣民们的苦难来自征税法令,强迫每个人交出自己财产的六分之一,立即征收,不得迟延。
6 uneasiness,trouble 不安,烦恼。
△ 1H. VI.5.5.102:“Ay,grief,I fear me,both at first and last.”嗳,我怕的是这件事以苦恼开始,也要以苦恼结束。
7. love melancholy 痛苦,相思苦。
△ 1H.VI.5.5.100:“And so conduct me where,from company,/ I mayrevolve and ruminate my grief.”现在领我到一个无人的去处,让我可以单独地细细思量我的相思之苦。


◇ bring sb. to grief使某人遭不幸
come to grief遭不幸,受伤
‖ grief and indignation悲愤
grieve v.悲伤,伤心,哀悼
grieve over悼念
grievance n.委屈,牢骚,申诉
◇grievance over对…不满,对…有意见
have a grievance against对…不满
grievous adj.悲伤的,悲痛的,严重的
grievously adv. grievousness n.





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