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❶ (把夹在中间的东西拉出) take out (from in between): 从文件夹里 ~ 出一份报告 take a report out of the file
❷ (从全部里取出一部分) take (a part from a whole): 把他 ~ 出来管仓库 release him from his job and put him in charge of the warehouse;
开会前请 ~ 时间把文件看一下。 Please try and find time to read the document before the meeting.
❸ (某些植物体长出) (of certain plants) put forth: ~ 枝 branch out;sprout;
高粱 ~ 穗了。 The sorghum is in the ear. 小树 ~ 出了嫩芽。 The saplings are budding.
❹ (吸) obtain by drawing,etc.: ~ 水 pump water;~ 血 draw blood (for a test or transfusion)
❺ (收缩) shrink: 这种布一洗就 ~。 This cloth shrinks in the wash.
❻ (用条状物等打) lash;whip;thrash: ~ 牲口 lash a draught animal;~ 陀螺 whip a top
❼ {体} (用力击) smash: ~ 球 drive
◆抽查 conduct a selective examination;have a sport check [test];selective examination;spot check [test];random inspection;make a sample check;take a sample for examination [check];inspect by random samples;
抽出 draw out;select from a lot;extract;abstract;withdraw;
抽搐 hyperspasmia;convulsion;clonic convulsion;twitch;tic;jerks;spasm;
抽打 lash;whip;thrash;slash;flog;
抽搭 [口] sob;
抽刀断水 lash the waves;
抽调 transfer (personnel or material);
抽丁 [旧] pressgang;draft or conscript in a compelling way;
抽动 {医} twitch;spasm;spasmodic jerk;{工} pumping;
抽肥补瘦 take from the fat to pad the lean — take from those who have much [a better;more] and give to those who have little [a worse;less];taking things from the better-off collectives and giving them to the poorer ones;
抽风 {医} (惊厥;痉挛;抽搐) fall into convulsions;covulsions;convulsive seizures;spasms;cramps;(把空气抽进来) draw in air with a kind of device;induced draft;[口] [贬] (言行不正常) behave like a crazy person;
抽换 change by rotation as of rail-tires or parts of machinery;change the contents of a package without destroying the wrapping;
抽奖 draw a lottery or raffle;lottery draw;
抽筋 (抽掉筋) pull out a tendon;[口] (筋肉痉挛) cramp;have spasms;
抽空 evacuate;exhaust;pumpdown;pump- out;underpressure;
抽空 manage to find time;
抽冷子 strike at unexpected moment;do sth. when people are off guard;
抽搦 {医} (抽搐) tic;twitch;
抽气 bleed;air-bleed;pumpdown;air exhaust;exhaustion;evacuation;bleeder steam;bleeding of steam;gas bleed;off-gas;steam bled;
抽泣 sob;spasmodic sobs;
抽签 draw [cast] lots;draw by lot;
抽球 {体} drive (ball in Tennis or table tennis);
抽取 extract;
抽纱 {工美} drawnwork;
抽身 leave (one's work);get away;absent oneself;
抽水 (用水泵吸水) draw [pump] water;(缩水) (of cloth through wetting) shrink;
抽水马桶 flush toilet;water [hopper] closet;
抽水(机)站 pump [lift] station;
抽税 levy a tax;
抽丝 reel off raw silk from cocoons;
抽穗 heading;earing;head sprouting;
抽缩 shrink;contract;shrinkage;
抽薹 bolting;producing shoots;
抽提 {化} extract;extraction;
抽屉 drawer;
抽头 (聚赌中从赢家提成) take a percentage [cut] of the winnings in gambling;{电} (分接头) tap;tapping;
抽吸 drawing-in;suction;{医} aspiration;{物} pumping;
抽象 abstract;
抽象派 abstractionist school;abstrac ̄tionism;
抽血 draw blood (for a test or transfusion);haemospasia;
抽薪止沸 stop the boiling by taking off the fire — strike at the root of the trouble;take drastic measures to stop sth.;take out the firewood to stop the pot boiling;pull out firewood and stop a pot from boiling;
抽选 select from a lot;
抽芽 put forth buds [sprouts];bud;sprout;
抽烟 smoke (a cigarette or a pipe);
抽样 {统计} sample;sampling;specimen;samples draw;
抽印 offprint;
抽油烟机 kitchen ventilator;smoke exhaust ventilator;
抽壮丁 pressgang





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