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单词 decrease
decreasev/dɪ′kri:s/ [-s/ ɪz/;-d, -d/t/;-eing/ ɪ ŋ/]; n /′di:kri:s/ [-s/ ɪz/]

v (使)减小(少,弱),(使)降低((cause to) become less in size number amount strength or quantity) [I T+n]:The percentage of old workers/Interest in sports is~ing. 老工人的比率/对运动的兴趣在降低。The swelling/cold has~d. 消肿了/寒冷减弱了。Student numbers have~d by 1000/10 percent. 学生人数减少了1000/10%。Profits have~d over last year. 利润比去年减少了。Our sales/Water consumption/The supply of food~d last summer. 去年夏天我们的销售量/耗水量/食品供应减少了。~sb's wages/the cost of production/the temperature in the room 降低某人的工资/生产成本/室内温度;~the dose of medicine/the swelling/the speed 减小药的剂量/消肿/减慢速度;(university)~the number of students(大学)减少学生人数;(government)~imports(政府)减少进口;〖同〗lessen, reduce;〖反〗increase,enlarge;

n(1) 减小(少,弱),降低(act or process of decreasing; reduction) [U] [N(in)]: some~in the crime rate犯罪率一定程度的降低;〖同〗lessening, reduction;〖反〗growth, increase;

(2) 减少之量(amount by which sth decreases) [C][N(in/of)]:There has been a (gradual/big)~in the number of boys/population/sales/imports. 男孩数/人口/销售量/进口额(逐渐/大大)减少了。There has been a(20%)~in production/unemployment. 生产/失业减少了(20%)。There was a~of heat. 炎热程度降低了。a~of 30 percent/of over 1000减少30%/1000多;〖反〗increase;

on the decrease 在减少:The demand for tea/crime is on the~. 茶的需求/犯罪在减少。

【辨异】decreasereduceshrink都可表示数量变少(小)。decrease指尺寸、体积、数量上逐渐地、持续地减少(小),常常是因为某种不可觉察的原因或固有的过程,如:The swelling~d daily.(肿胀一天天地消下去。) reduce(使减少(小),使降低)指人为的减少(小),一般只用作vt,如: reduce the weight of sth(减少……的重量);shrink(缩小,收缩)指由于固有特性在特有的条件下缩小,如:Many fabrics shrink in hot water.(许多织物在热水中收缩。) 还有diminish((使)减小,(使)显得小)通常指外部原因造成的不断减少,如:Evaporation caused the water in the pool to diminish.(蒸发使池塘里的水减少。)





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