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单词 declare
declare/dɪ′kleə(r), AmE -′kler/ v [-d, -d/d/; -eing/rɪ ŋ/]

(1) 宣布(告)(announce publicly or officially) [T+n T+that T+wh C+n+adj/n C+n+to-inf(be), D+to+n+that D+prep+wh]:~a state of emergency/war 宣布处于紧急/战争状态;~war (on/against sb) 向……宣战;~neutrality/independence宣布中立/独立;~(to sb) that he is the winner/the war is over(向某人)宣布他是获胜者/战争结束了;~(to sb) what had been decided(向某人)宣布作出了什么决定;~sb(to be)the winner/President of ... 宣布某人是获胜者/……的主席;~the contest (to be) a tie 宣布比赛结果为平局;~sb (to be) elected/out of danger 宣布某人当选/脱离危险;~the meeting (war)(to be) closed/open 宣布会议(战争)结束/开始;~the war (to be) over 宣布战争结束;〖同〗proclaim, pronounce, announce;

(2) 声(表)明,声称(say solemnly and firmly; state with great emphasis) [T+n T+that C+n+adj/n C+n+to-inf(be)]:~one's position/revolutionary faith/intention表明自己的立场/革命信念/意向; His appearance (at the meeting)~d his willingness to compromise. 他的出席(会议)表明他愿意和解。“I don't like him at all,” she~d. 她郑重地说:“我根本不喜欢他。”~that one was right/innocent/not guilty声明自己正确/无辜/无罪;~one was an honest man/one didn't want to see sb again声明自己是诚实的人/不想再见到某人;~oneself(to be) right/innocent/not guilty声称自己是正确的/无辜的/无罪的;~the story (to be) false 声称那个故事是不真实的;~oneself (to be) an honest man/a member of the party 声称自己是个诚实的人/是该党党员;His actions~d him (to be) an honest man. 他的行为表明他是个诚实的人。~oneself (to be) for/against the plan 声明赞同/反对该计划;〖同〗state;

(3) 声明(态度)(say that one is(not)in favour of sth/sb) [I+prep(for/against)]:(newspaper)~d for(against)the proposed scheme/the Republican candidate/the proposal/building a new bridge(报纸)声明赞成(反对)提出的方案/那共和党候选人/那建议/修一座新桥;

(4) 申报(make known (one's income or dutiable goods brought into the country)) [T+n]:Have you anything to~? 你有什么要申报纳税的吗?~all one has earned/untaxed earnings/a bottle of wine申报全部收入/未纳税的收入/一瓶酒;

(5) 宣布输掉某局(板球)比赛((of the captain of a cricket team) end an innings before losing all his players) [I C+n+adj]:The captain~d(the innings closed) before tea. 队长在下午茶点时间前宣布(那一局)输了。India~d (its innings) at 540 for six. 印度队宣布六板积分540分而输了。

→de′clared adj 公开的,公开表示过的;͵decla′ration n 声明;布告;申报单;






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