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单词 雕刻艺术

雕刻艺术diāo kè yì shùCarving & Sculpture

“万寿山昆明湖”汉白玉碑 [wàn shòu shān kūn mínɡ hú hàn bái yù bēi] Marble Monument-Longevity Hill-Kunming Lake
凹雕 [āo diāo] intaglio
巴洛克式 [bā luò kè shì] Baroque style
白玉观音 [bái yù ɡuān yīn] white-jade statue of Guanyin (the Goddess of Mercy)
版刻 [bǎn kè] engraving
半浮雕 [bàn fú diāo] bas-relief; low relief
半身石膏像 [bàn shēn shí ɡāo xiànɡ] plaster bust
半身石像 [bàn shēn shíxiànɡ] stone bust
半凸雕 [bàn tū diāo] mezzo-relievo
宝石雕刻术 [bǎo shí diāo kè shù] glyptics
宝相花 [bǎo xiànɡ huā] designs of composite flowers
贝雕 [bèi diāo] shell carving
冰雕 [bīnɡ diāo] ice carving
瓷雕 [cí diāo] porcelain carving
大理石像 [dà lǐ shí xiànɡ] marble statue
雕版 [diāo bǎn] engraving
雕钢术 [diāo ɡānɡ shù] steel engraving; siderography
雕金术 [diāo jīn shù] gold engraving
雕刻技巧 [diāo kè jì qiǎo] carving technique; technique of sculpture
雕刻家 [diāo kè jiā] sculptor
雕刻师 [diāo kè shī] carver
雕塑 [diāo sù] sculpture
雕塑技巧 [diāo sù jì qiǎo] carving technique; technique of sculpture
冻石 [dònɡ shí] steatite
翡翠西瓜 [fěi cuì xī ɡuā] jadeite/green jade watermelon with vines
废品雕塑 [fèi pǐn diāo sù] junk sculpture
佛龛 [fó kān] niche for Buddha
浮雕 [fú diāo] relievo; rilievo; relief
浮雕 [fú diāo] cameo; anaglyph
浮雕木刻 [fú diāo mù kè] wooden carvings in relief
浮玉玉浮雕 [fú yù yù fú diāo] marble bas-relief
橄榄核雕 [ɡǎn lǎn hé diāo] olive kernel carving
高浮雕 [ɡāo fú diāo] alto-relievo; alto-rilievo; high-relievo; high-rilievo
高凸雕 [ɡāo tū diāo] alto-relievo; alto-rilievo; high-relievo; high-rilievo
哥特式 [ɡē tè shì] Gothic style
骨雕 [ɡǔ diāo] bone sculpture/carving
国玺 [ɡuó xǐ] national/great seal
汉白玉华表 [hàn bái yù huá biǎo] marble/cloud pillar (on Tian An Men Square)
黑金镶嵌术 [hēi jīn xiānɡ qiàn shù] niello
红玉髓 [hónɡ yù suǐ] cornelian; carnelian
黄杨木雕 [huánɡ yánɡ mù diāo] boxwood carving/carvings
鸡血石 [jī xuè shí] cornelian; carnelian
几何纹 [jǐ hé wén] geometric designs
金星石 [jīn xīnɡ shí] friable mica
金印章 [jīn yìn zhānɡ] golden seal
九龙壁 [jiǔ lónɡ bì] Nine-Dragon Wall (in Bei Hai Park)
卷草纹 [juàn cǎo wén] floral scrolls
孔雀石 [kǒnɡ què shí] malachite
历史英雄纪念碑 [lì shǐ yīnɡ xiónɡ jì niàn bēi] Monument to the History Heroes
龙门石窟 [lónɡ mén shí kù] Longment Caves (Luoyang, Henan)
罗汉塑像 [luó hàn sù xiànɡ] clay statues of the Arhats
罗马式 [luó mǎ shì] Romanesque style
罗可可式 [luó kě kě shì] Rococo style
美术陶瓷 [měi shù táo cí] artistic ceramics
母子印 [mǔ zǐ yìn] pair of interlocking seals
木雕 [mù diāo] wood carving
木雕佛像 [mù diāo fó xiànɡ] wood cavings of Buddha
木雕像 [mù diāo xiànɡ] wood figurine
木刻 [mù kè] woodcut
青田石雕 [qīnɡ tián shí diāo] Qingtian stone/soapstone carving
青铜鼍龙 [qīnɡ tónɡ tuó lónɡ] bronze legendary animal with the head of a dragon and body of a turtle
人像 [rén xiànɡ] image; moulded figure
日期戳子 [rì qī chuō zǐ] dater
日期印 [rì qī yìn] dater
软玉 [ruǎn yù] nephrite
石雕 [shí diāo] stone carving/sculpture
石雕佛像 [shí diāo fó xiànɡ] stone statue of Buddha
石膏雕刻(术) [shí ɡāo diāo kè (shù)] gypsography
石膏像 [shí ɡāo xiànɡ] plaster statue/figure
石像 [shí xiànɡ] stone statue
石英 [shí yīnɡ] quartz
石舫 [shí fǎnɡ] Marble Boat (in Summer Palace)
寿山石 [shòu shān shí] agalmatolite; pagodite
松石刻花片 [sōnɡ shí kè huā piān] carved turquoise plaque
塑像 [sù xiànɡ] statue
檀香木雕 [tán xiānɡ mù diāo] sandal-wood carving
桃源石 [táo yuán shí] quartz
陶瓷像 [táo cí xiànɡ] pottery/porcelain figure
田黄石 [tián huánɡ shí] orpiment
铜版雕刻法 [tónɡ bǎn diāo kè fǎ] mezzotint
铜半身像 [tónɡ bàn shēn xiànɡ] bronze bust
铜牛 [tónɡ niú] bronze ox
铜仙鹤香炉 [tónɡ xiān hè xiānɡ lú] bronze cranes used as incense burners (in Palace Museum)
铜像 [tónɡ xiànɡ] bronze statue
凸雕 [tū diāo] relievo; rilievo; relief
图章戒指 [tú zhānɡ jiè zhǐ] seal ring
土耳其玉 [tǔ ěr qí yù] turquoise
卧佛塑像 [wò fó sù xiànɡ] clay statue of the Sleeping Buddha
线雕 [xiàn diāo] line engraving
象牙雕刻 [xiànɡ yá diāo kè] ivory carving
象牙画舫 [xiànɡ yá huà fǎnɡ] gayly decorated pleasure boat of ivory
象牙龙舟 [xiànɡ yá lónɡ zhōu] ivory dragon boat
象牙塔 [xiànɡ yá tǎ] ivory tower
象牙通花扇 [xiànɡ yá tōnɡ huā shàn] ivory fan (open-work)
象牙同心花球 [xiànɡ yá tónɡ xīn huā qiú] (4-30 layers) concentric ivory balls one enclosing another
雄黄 [xiónɡ huánɡ] orpiment
岩石雕刻术 [yán shí diāo kè shù] petroglyphy
阳文印 [yánɡ wén yìn] positive
阴文印 [yīn wén yìn] negative
玉带 [yù dài] jade belt
玉雕 [yù diāo] jade carving
玉雕器 [yù diāo qì] jade carved objects
玉雕锁链花瓶 [yù diāo suǒ liàn huā pínɡ] jade vase decorated with chains of inter connecting links
玉佛 [yù fó] jade Buddha
玉如意 [yù rú yì] jade ruyi (as-you-wish)
玉石雕刻术 [yù shí diāo kè shù] dactylioglyphy
御玺 [yù xǐ] imperial/privy seal
圆雕 [yuán diāo] circular carving
圆形浮雕 [yuán xínɡ fú diāo] [Italy] tondo
云岗石窟 [yún ɡǎnɡ shí kù] Yungang Caves (Datong, Shanxi)
云龙石雕 [yún lónɡ shí diāo] carved stone “Dargon Pavement” (in Palace Museum)
云纹 [yún wén] cloud pattern
照相雕刻 [zhào xiànɡ diāo kè] photoengraving
竹板平雕 [zhú bǎn pínɡ diāo] shallow carving on a bamboo board
竹雕 [zhú diāo] bamboo carving
竹片诗雕 [zhú piàn shī diāo] bamboo veneer with Chinese calligraphy in poetic verse
竹片线雕 [zhú piàn xiàn diāo] bamboo veneer with fine line carving
铸像 [zhù xiànɡ] statue





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