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goldena. 1. resplendent,richly attircd 辉煌的,穿着华丽的 △1H.IV.4.3.72: “Gave him their heirs as pages,followed him / Even at the heels in golden multitudes.”把他们的嗣子送给他做侍童,甚至结成金碧辉煌的一大群紧跟在他的脚后边。 2. precious 宝贵的。 △1H.IV. 2.3.46(41):“and thygolden sleep?”以及你的宝贵的睡眠? Phrases: golden couplets: pair of baby birds,covered withyellow down; pair of yellow nestlings 一对黄毛幼雏。(couplets: pair of young,twin young 一对幼雏。) △ Ham.5.1.309(287): “When that her golden cou-plets are disclosed.” 当她那一对金黄茸毛的幼雏刚刚孵出的时候。 golden round: i.e.crown 金圈,(指)王冠。 △Mac.1.5.29 (28): “All that impedes thee from the goldenround.”那妨碍你取得金冠的一切。 golden shaft: the gold-tipped arrow of Cupid,thegod of love (爱神丘匹德的)金箭。 △Tw.1.1.35 (34)“the rich golden shaft,”那宝贵的爱神的金箭。 golden world: the fabulous Golden Age,i.e.an idealperiod in the remote past,when men lived in com-plete peace,justice,prosperity and innocence (传说中在遥远过去的)黄金时代,其时人们生活在完全的和平、正义、繁荣与天真无邪之中。 △As.1.1.126 (118): “and fleet thetime carelessly,as they did in the golden world.”无忧无虑地把时间消磨过去,像在黄金时代的人们那样。 |