gibbetn. structure from which the body of a hangedcriminal was hung until it rotted绞刑示众架。 △1H.IV4.2.39(36): “A mad fellow met me on the way andtold me I had unloaded all the gibbets and pressed thedead bodies.”一个疯疯癫癫的家伙在路上碰见我,说我一定是把绞架上的死人都卸下来拉来当兵了。
gibbetvb. gibbet on: ❶hang on the gibbet(=yoke)吊在扁担上。 ❷hoist with the gibbet ( = crane) 用吊钩吊起。 △2H.IV.3.2.284(263): “come off and on swifterthan he that gibbets on the brewer’s bucket.”把枪端起和放下,比人用吊钩把两只啤酒桶吊上扁担两头还要快。 |