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fulln. at full:in full,fully,completely,at full length全部地,充分地,完全地,以全部长度(未加删减)。 △2H.IV.1.1.135: “This is the news at full.” 这就是全部的消息。 △H.V.2.4.140: “To-morrow shall you know ourmind at full.” 明天你一定会知道我们的全部意见的。 △H.VIII.1.4.59: “where this heaven of beauty /Shall shine at full upon them.”这里美女云集,像灿烂的天空,可以完全照耀着他们。 △H.VIII.4.1.7:“The citizens /I am sure have shown at full their royal minds.”我确信市民们充分地表达了他们忠于国王的心情了。
fulla. 1. complete,entire完全的,整个的。 △As.3. 2. 446(420):“the full stream of the world.”整个的人世潮流;整个的人生。 △Oth.2.1.28: “the Moor himself atsea,/And is in full commission here for Cyprus.”那摩尔人自己还在海上,他是奉了全权委任,到塞浦路斯这儿来的。 △Oth.4.1.275(264):“our full Senate”. 我们整个元老院。 △H.V.5.Cho.21:“Giving full trophy,signal,and ostent / Quite from himself to God.” 将一切胜利的标志、象征和炫耀,个人完全放弃,统统献给上帝。 △H.VIII.3.1.28:“we shall give you / The full cause of ourcoming. ”我们好把我们来此的原因全部奉告。 2. perfect,complete完美的,完全的。 △Oth.1.1.66:“What a full fortune does the thick-lips owe / If hecan carry it thus!”如果让他占去这么一个便宜,那么这个厚嘴唇家伙可真交了,天大的好运了! △Oth.2.1.35:“For Ihave served him,and the man commands / Like a full soldier.”我在他手下做过事,这个人指挥部队真像是一个完美的军人(又译:十足的大将)。 3. strong,powerful猛烈的,强大的。 △Oth.2.1.6:“Afuller blast ne’er shook our battlements.”还从来没有更大的风摇撼过我们的城垒。 4. large and bright 大而明亮的。 △H. V.5.2.169(161):“a full eye will wax hollow;”大而明亮的眼睛会凹陷下去。 5. loud,sonorous; strong,powerful 响亮的,洪亮的;高亢的,强有力的。 △H.V.4.4.71(67):“I did never know sofull a voice issue from so empty a heart.”我从来还不知道从一颗空洞的心里能发出这样响亮的声音。 6. filled to repletion 胀满的。 △Oth.5.2.173 (175):“Speak,for my heart is full.”说吧,我的心都要胀破了。
fullad. 1. in full 全部地,整个地。 △1H.VI.1.1.112:“Havingfull scarce six thousand in his troop,”在他的整个部队中只剩下不到六千人。(按: full scarce 又解作barely,“几乎不”。) 2. fully,quite 完全地,十分。 △Ado.2.1.80 (75):“andfull as fantastical,”而且同样是完全充满了幻想。 △Shr.1.1.202 (198): “I have it full.”我已经完全想好了。 △L.L.L.4.3.253(249):“not frull so black”,不完全那么黑。 △ Mac.1.4.54: “he is full so valiant,” i. e. heis quite brave as you describe him. (Banquo has beenpraising Macbeth.)他真是非常英勇。 △Rom. 2.3.30:“Full soon the canker death eats up that plant.”死亡像害虫一般很快把那植物蛀空。 3. very,exceedingly 非常,极端地。 △Oth.1.2.9:“Thatwith the little godliness I have / I did frull hard for-bear him.”以我这小小的度量,我好不容易才宽恕了他。 △Lr.2.1.58(56):“Full suddenly he fled.”他飞也似的逃走了。 △Mid.3.2.379:“frull fast”,非常快。 △1H.IV.5.3.19: “This,Douglas? No,I know this face full well.”这个人吗,道格拉斯? 不,我对这张面孔非常熟悉。 △1H.IV.5.4.132(129): “Come,brother John,full bravely hastthou fleshed / Thy maiden sword.”来,约翰弟弟,你初次用剑杀敌,就非常勇敢。 △2H.VI.3.2.169: “His eyeballsfurther out than when he lived,/ Staring full ghastly, like a strangled man;”他的眼珠比他活着时要突出,瞪得非常可怕,就像被掐死的人。 4. fully,exactly,as many as 足足,确切地,足足有。 △H.V.1.1.12: “As much as would maintain,to theKing's honour,/ Full fifteen earls and fifteen hun-dred knights. / Six thousand and two hundred goodesquires;”(这笔财产)为了国王的荣誉,足足可以维持十五个伯爵,一千五百个骑士,六千二百个绅士。 Phrases: as full as: fully as完全同样。 △Ado.3.1.45: “De-serve as full as fortunate a bed”,配得上完全同样幸福的婚床。 full circle: a complete turn round an axis,a revolu-tion 整整一轮的旋转,一个循环。 △Lr.5.3.176 (175):“The wheel is come full circle,I am here.” i.e.I am at the bottom,where I began.命运的车轮整整转了一个循环,我现在落到这个地步。 full of bread: i. e. enjoying the pleasures of thisworld; in the full indulgence of sensual appetites; notpurified by fasting; (hence) not spiritually preparedfor death 吃饱了面包,(比喻)正在享受人世快乐;正沉溺于肉欲享受之中;没有通过斋戒洗涤罪过;(因此)在灵魂上对于死亡没有准备。 △Ham.3.3. 80: “He took my father grossly,full of bread.”他突然间杀死我的父亲,趁他满肚都是俗念。 full point: full stop,stop 完全停止,终止。 △2H. IV. 2.4.197(184):“Come we to full points here? and are et-ceteras nothings?” i. e. Is this where we come to astop,with nothing to follow?我们到这里就打住,再没有什么如此这般了吗? full power:whole army 全军。 △H.V. 1.2.105:“Whoon the French ground played a tragedy,/ Making de-feat on the full power of France,”(Referring to the battle of Crecy,1346,which ended in a great defeatof the French.)他曾在法兰西土地上演出一场悲剧,使得法国全军覆没。 full[ful]adj.充满的,饱满的,丰富的,丰满的,强力的,深色的,全面的,全力的,完全的,完美的 adv.充满 (分),完全,全部地,十分地/ n.充满,完全,全部 ◇ at full length 竭尽全力 at full speed 以全速 at the full 在圆满的状态中 be full of 充满 come to a full stop 停住 full of 充满 full of beans 兴高采烈,精力旺盛 full of feeling 充满感情的 full of hops 胡说,瞎讲 full of oneself 自私自利,自以为是 full out 最快 full up 客满 in full 充足,十分,以全文 to the full 完全地,彻底地,充分地 to the fullest最充分地 ‖ full admiral 海军上将 full advance 完全提前点火 full age 成年(期)/ full airspeed 最大空速 full amount 全额 full and by (e)满帆,扯满篷 full anthem 合唱赞美歌 full aperture 全口径 full approach run 全程助跑 full arch 全拱 full arm curl 弯举 full autolanding 完全自动着陆 full back 后卫,完全背对观众 fullback centre-buck 后卫带球从中央突破 fullback line buck 后卫带球突破对方防线 fullback spinner play 后卫假动作的转身带球战术 full ball 正面碰球 full base 满垒 full bath 周身浴 full binding 全皮装订 full blood 纯种,纯血统 full blown 作品规模大的 full blown 作品规模大的 full board 全食宿 full bodied money 足值货币 full body黑体 full body extension 身体完全伸展 full breakfast 全套早餐 full buoyance(潜水艇)巡航状态 full business day 交易整日 full buttock 过背 full cadence 完全静止 full capacity 最大生产力,最高生产量 full capacity for civil conduct 完全民事权利能力 full carrying charges 全额持仓费 full choke猎枪全缩口 full climb 全力爬升 full close完全收束 full color views 彩色图像,全色画面 full colour 全色,饱和色,彩色 full conjunctive form 完全合取范式 full cost of carry 全额持仓费 full cost recovery 收回全部成本 full costing 完全成本计算 full costing profitability analysis 全成本盈利性分析 full council 由全体委员组成的正式委员会 full count 裁判员数完十秒,两击三球 full coupon bond 全额息票债券 full course完整练习 full court 全台,全场 full-court overplay 全场范围的侧前防守 full-court pass 从端线到前场的传球 full-court press 全场紧逼 full court pressure defence 全场紧逼防守 full cover 全保险 full coverage 完全承保 full discharge 彻底完成 full disclosure全面披露 full disjunctive form 完全析取范式 full distance 全程 full draw 开满弓 full dress 礼服,挂满旗 full-dress conference 正式会议 full-dress operation 大规模作战 full dress rehearsal 彩排 full due 到期 full duplex 全双工通信制 full economy class ticket 经济舱全费机票 full employment 充分就业 full employment equilibrium 充分就业均衡 full endorsement 特别背书 full entry 报名满额,全部参加 full evening dress 大礼服 full face 正面照片 full faith and credit bond 市政信用债款 full figure shot 全身像摄影 full financial responsibility 自负盈亏 full-fledged member 全权代表 full gain 总增益 full gainer 向前助跑的后空翻 full gallop 伸长跑步 full game 打完全局的比赛 full general 上将 full gilt 全金边 full hit 正面碰球,中心投 full house 客满,满座 full in step shot 正脚背射门 full insurance 全额保险 full knee bend 深蹲 full leather binding 全革装 full-length approach 全程助跑 full length film 长片,大型片 full length play多幕剧 full length portrait 全身肖像,大型作品 full length record film 大型纪录片 full length shot 长镜头 full-length tight 连裤衩的紧身衣 full length wide screen cartoon film大型宽银幕动画片 full liability 完全责任 full-line forcing 搭配销售 full lot 交易所买卖股票的成交单位 full marks 满分 full meeting 全体会议 full member 正式成员 full mixture 全声混合音栓 full name 姓名,全称 full Nelson 双肩下握颈 full net programme 联播节目 full of incorrect forms of words 白字连篇 full of loopholes 漏洞百出 full of vigour and vitality 朝气蓬勃 full of youthful spirit 朝气蓬勃 full Olympic sport正式奥委会项目 full on 最大亮度 full operational base 空军全能作战基 full orchestra完整的管弦乐队 full organ 包括联键音栓在内的全部音栓 full overhand throw 完全拉开的上手大动作传球 full page illustrations 全页插图 full paid capital share 全部缴清的股本 full paid stock 实收股份 full pay 全薪 full-pay leave 全薪假期 full-pay sick leave全薪病假 full-pay study leave 全薪进修假期 full payment 全部付款 full pension 全额退休金 full pirouette 单脚转体 full point 句号 full position 醒目位置 full potential 全部潜力 full power run 全力跑 full powers 全权 (证书)/ full press 全场紧逼 full price 全票价格 full professor 正教授 full reach 桨叶尽量伸向船首 full refund 全额退款 full relief 圆雕 full remuneration 完全补偿 full responsibility 全权 full retreat 全线退却 full-rigged sailing ship 完全装备的帆船 full rudder 满舵 full run 全程跑 full-scale aircraft 全尺寸飞机 full-scale attack 大规模突击 full-scale attac k ability (capability)大规模突击能力 full-scale bombardment 大规模轰炸 full scale intelligence quotient 全量表智商 full-scale probe 全面调查 fullscale throw 全程助跑投掷 full scenery 全套布景 full score 满分,总谱 full screen 全屏幕 full screw 转体 full senior editor 高级编辑 full service fund 充分服务基金 full-service wholesalers 全方位服务的批发商 full set一掏球棒,全套 full set of documents 全套单据 full shadow 全阴影 full shot 全力击球,高挥棒击球,全景 full side arm throw 侧体大摆臂传球 full sized 全身的,全长的 full speed 全速 full speed ahead 全速前进 full-speed stride 快速跑的步长 full speed trial 全速试航 full split(守门员)全劈叉跪挡 full squat 深蹲,颈后深蹲 full stop 句号 full-stop landing 全制动着陆 full strength 纯色 full stride 大步滑行,最大步幅 full strike 全力击球 full stripe 十六毫米磁性声带 full stroke 全力挥臂击球 full swing 全力挥棒,全力挥拍,全挥击球,高挥棒,全力挥臂 full symmetry 完全对称 full term 整段任期 full throttle takeoff 全油门起飞 full thrust 最大推力 full ticket 全票 full time broadcasting station 昼夜广播电台 full-time cadres 专职干部 full-time course全日制课程 full-time duty 昼夜值勤,专职 full-time equivalents 全日制等值 full-time personnel 专职人员 full-time residence 全时间住所 full-time school 全日制学校 full time station full time 全场时间 full-time teacher 专任教师 full-time training 全职培训 full tone 全色调 full tone value 画面整个明暗关系 full toss 直投球 full tour 整段任期 full turn 转体360° / full twisting dive roll 跳起转体360 ° / full twisting double flyaway 旋 full utilization 充分利用 full value 画面整个明暗关系,满分 full value insurance 全值保险 full value letter of credit全额信用证 full view 全视图,全景 full wave 全波 full wind-up 大摆臂动作 full years of age 足岁 full-back n. 后卫 full-blooded adj. 内容充实的,真正的 full-blown adj.全面发展的 full-bodied adj.规模大的,内容充实的 full-dress adj. 大规模的 full-face adj. 全断面的 full-faced adj.圆脸的,脸颊丰满的 full-fledged adj.正式的 full-grown adj. 成熟的 full-hearted adj.满腔热情的,勇敢的 full-length adj. 全身的,全长的,大型的,未经删节的 fullness n. 完全,全部,丰富,丰满,深度 full-scale adj. 大规模的,全尺寸的,全部的,完整 full-service adj. 提供全面服务的 fullshot n.全景 full-sized adj. 满负荷的,全尺寸的 full-strength adj. 满员的,全员的,足额的 fullswing n. 达到活动的高潮 full-time adj.全部时间的,专职的,全日制的 fully adv.完全,全部,十分,充分,至少 fully articulated account 充分表述的说明 fully automatic compiling technique 全自动编译技术 fully comprehensive insurance 全险 fully dependent 完全受赡养的 fully diluted earnings per share 全面摊薄每股盈利 fully directly elected Legislative Council 全部由直选议员组成的立法会 fully extended 充分伸展 fully funded (project)资金到位 fully investigating 一查到底 fully-loaded take off 满载起飞 fully modalized 完全模态化的 fully owned subsidiary 完全控股的子公司 fully-paid shares 已全部缴款的股票 fully paid-up capital 缴足股本 fully participating preferred stock 完全参与的优先股 fully reinforced 实力雄厚 fully secured creditor 担保充分的债权人 fully-subscribed 订购一空 fully-fashioned adj. 合身的 fully-killed adj. 镇静的 |