释义 |
freelyad. 1. in freedom,without restriction 自由地,不受限制地。 △Tw.1.4.39:“And thou shalt live as freely as thylord,/ To call his fortunes thine."i.e.thou shalt have thy lord’s fortunes. 你可以和你的主人一样自由地生活,他的财产也就是你的。 2. voluntarily 自愿地。 △H.VIII. 2. 2.87(86): “in committing freely / Your scruple to the voice of Christendom.”自愿地把你的疑虑交付基督教世界公决。 3. heartily,willingly,readily 衷心地,情愿地。 △Mer.3.2.250 (249): “And I must freely have the half of anything / That this same paper brings you.”不管这封信给你带来了什么,我一定要分享一半。(按:有的编订者认为freely一词为衍文。) △Ado.4.1.25:“As freely,son,as God did give her me.”就像上帝把她给我时那样心甘情愿。 △3H.VI. 3.2.55: “Why then,thy husband’s lands I freely give thee.”那么,我很乐意把你丈夫的土地还给你。 4. fully,without reservation,unreservedly,heartily 充分地,无保留地,尽情地。 △Ham. 1.2.15: “which havefreely gone / With this affair along.”此事多承(你们)充分赞助。 △Oth. 2. 3. 338(329):“I think it freely;”我完全相信。 △Oth .5.2.53:“Therefore confess thee freelyof thy sin.”所以坦白招认你的罪恶吧。 △H.VIII.1.4.35:“That noble lady / Or gentleman that is not freelymerry / Is not my friend.”不管哪位高贵的女客或是男宾,若不尽情欢乐,就不算我的朋友。 5. liberally,copiously,plentifully,in ample terms 慷慨地,大量地,多多地,用大量的措词。 △2H.IV.4.2.73: “andif you knew what pains / I have bestowed to breedthis present peace,/ You would drink freely.”要是你知道我为了缔造现在这次和平付出了多少心血,你就会开怀畅饮了。 △H.V.1.2.230: “Either our history shall withfull mouth / Speak freely of our acts,”要让将来的历史连篇累牍颂扬我的丰功伟绩。 6. openly,candidly,frankly,honestly 公然地,直率地,坦白地,诚实地。 △Tw.5.1.371(359):“Most freely I con-fess,myself and Toby / Set this device against Malvo-lio here.”我坦白地承认,是我和托比两个人对马伏里奥设下了这个计策。 △Mer.3.2. 255(254):“I freely told you allthe wealth I had / Ran in my veins:”我曾坦白地告诉你,我所有的财富都流动在我的血管里(意即:出身高贵而经济贫困)。 △Oth.2.3.326 (318): “Confess yourself freely toher,importune her help to put you in your placeagain.”你向她坦白认错,恳求她帮助你官复原职。 △2H.IV.1. 1. 27: “That freely rendered me these news for true.”(In Elizabethan usage,news and tidings couldbe singular or plural.)他坦率地告诉我这个消息,说是真的。 △H.V.1.2.237: “May ’t (= it) please your Majestyto give us leave / Freely to render what we have incharge?”不知陛下是否恩准我们将我们所负的使命坦率奉告? 7. boldly 大胆地。 △Mac.1.7.36: “Hath it slept since?/ And wakes it now to look so green and pale /At what it did (i.e. eyed) so freely?”莫非它一直在昏睡?现在醒来,回忆以前大胆正视的事情,于是脸色就暗淡苍白了? |