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单词 ace
释义 ace /eis; es/ n [C] 1 the one on dice, on (playing-) cards or dominoes (cthese words): card so marked: (骰子,纸牌或骨牌上的)么点(参看 dice, card, domino 各字); 么点牌: the ~ of spades. 黑桃牌之么点; 黑桃爱斯。 an ace in the hole, (US sl, from the game of poker) sth held in reserve, likely to turn failure into success. (美俚,源于扑克牌戏)保留着用以转败为胜之事物; 扭转乾坤之王牌。 2 (colloq) person who is first-rate or expert at sth, esp an airman or a driver of racing cars. (俗)第一流人才或专家; (尤指)第一流飞行员或赛车驾驶员; 能手。 3 within an ace of, failing, escaping, by a narrow margin: 差一点; 几乎: within an ace of death/of being killed. 死里逃生(险些丧命)。




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