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单词 fatal


1. concerned with or fraught with destiny. instrumen-tal to destiny命运攸关的,成败命运所系的,作为命运的工具的。
△3H.VI.4.2.19: “That as Ulysses and stoutDiomede / With sleight and manhood stole to Rhesus’tents / And brought from thence the Thracian fatalsteeds,” (A prophecy foretold that if the white horsesof Rhesus should drink from the River Xanthus and graze on the Trojan plain. Troy would not fallTherefore Ulvsses and Diomedes under the cover of night killed Rhesus in his camp and led away his hor-ses in order to prevent the prophecy coming true.)就像尤利西斯和勇敢的狄俄墨得斯靠着巧计和勇气悄悄溜进瑞索斯的帐篷,从那里把成败所系的神骏牵走。
2. used by fate or destiny. fraught with evil destiny为命运所支配的,充满恶运的。
△Rom. Pro.5: “From forththe fatal loins of these two foes”,命中注定,从这两家仇人的肚子里…。
3. foreboding mischief and death,ill-omened,omi-nous预示着灾难和死亡的,有不祥之兆的,不祥的。
△1H.VI3.1.194:“And now I fear that fatal prophecy /Which in the time of Henry named the Fifth / Was inthe mouth of every sucking babe.”我担心,亨利五世在位时每个吃奶小孩嘴里都会说出的那个不祥预言怕要应验了。
△2H.VI.1.1.99 (98):“shameful is this league,/ Fa-tal this marriage,”这个盟约是可耻的,这桩婚姻预示着不幸。
△3H.VI.2.5.97:“The red rose and the white are onhis face. / The fatal colours of our striving houses:”红玫瑰和白玫瑰都出现在这个人的脸上,这正是我们这两个争斗不休的家族的预兆死亡的标徽。
△3H.VI.2.6.56: “Bringforth that fatal screech-owl to our house. / Thatnothing sung but death to us and ours.”把那个对我们全家不吉利的夜猫子拖出来,它专门对我们和我们的亲友啼叫死亡的调子。
4. death-dealing,murderous,deadly将死亡加之于人的,杀人的,要命的。
△Oth.5.2.37:“And yet I fear you; foryou’re fatal then / When your eyes roll so.”但是我怕你;因为你的眼睛这样转动的时候,你就是动了杀心。
△1H.IV5.4.26: “I am the Douglas.fatal to all those / Thatwear those colours on them.”我就是道格拉斯,凡是在身上戴着这种王徽的人,我都要把他们杀掉。
△H.V.3.Cho.26:“Behold the ordinance on their carriages. / With fa-tal mouths gaping on girded Harflew.”看见了炮架上的大炮,正张着要命的大嘴,对准了被包围的哈弗娄。
△3H.VI.1. 4.22:“Ah. hark! The fatal followers do pursue.”啊,听! 要命的追兵来了。
△3H.VI.5.6.15: “And I,thehapless male to one sweet bird. / Have now the fatalobject in my eye / Where my poor young was limed.was caught,and killed.”我,一个可爱的雏儿的不幸的父亲,现在看到那个致命的东西来到我的眼前,我那可怜的雏儿就是在它那里被粘住、被捉去、被杀死的。





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