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单词 vanish
释义 vanish /'vaeruf; 'vseni/ vi [VP2A] suddenly disappear; fade away gradually; go out of existence: 突然不见; 逐渐消散; 消失; 消灭: Your prospects of success have ~ed. 你成功的希望已经消失了。 The thief ran into the crowd and ~ed from sight. 那贼跑进人群中不见了。 ~ into thin air, disappear suddenly and completely. 突然完全消失; 突然不见。 '~ing cream, cosmetic cream quickly absorbed into the skin. 粉底霜 (一种涂后很快即为皮肤所吸收的面霜) 。 ,~ing point, (in perspective) point at which all parallel lines in the same plane appear to meet. (透视法) 没影点 (同一平面上所有平行线似乎相会专的那一点) 。




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