1. (Gr. myth. ) son of Chaos and Night,hence dark-ness personified; also a name for the underworld orhell itself (希腊神话)厄来珀斯,深渊与黑夜之子,因而为黑暗的化身;也用作阴间或地狱之名。 △2H. IV. 2. 4. 168 (156):“I’ll see her damned first,to Pluto’s damned lake,bythis hand,to the infernal deep,with Erebus and tor-tures vile also.”我要先看见她下地狱,到普路托的苦海里,凭我这只手发誓,到阴间的深渊里,那里有厄来珀斯和种种的毒刑。 2. the darkest and gloomiest lower world,or the hell阴间,地狱。 △Mer. 5. 1.87:“And his affections dark as Erebus.”他的感情必如地狱阴暗。