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enforcevt. 1. force,drive by force,compel,press迫使,用强力驱使,强迫,逼迫。 △Rom.5.3.47: “Thus I enforce thyrotten jaws to open,”我要这样强迫你张开你的腐臭的嘴巴。 △Shr.5.1.132(129):“What Tranio did,myself en-forced him to.” 特拉尼奥所做的事,都是我逼他做的 △1H.IV.5.1.64:“but with nimble wing / We wereenforccd for safety sake(i.e.for safety’s sake) tofly / Out of your sight and raise this present head.”为了安全,我们不得不振起敏捷的翅膀从你面前飞开,召集起目前这支军队。 △2H.IV.2.1.91(82):“Are you not ashamedto enforce a poor widow to so rough a course to comeby her own?”你逼得一个可怜的寡妇不得不采取这样粗暴的方式来讨债,不觉得害臊吗? △2H.IV.4.1.71:“And are en-forced from our most quiet there / By the rough tor-tent of occasion,” i.e. are driven from our greatestpeace in the stream of time by the rough torrent ofevents. 被事件进程的粗暴激流所强迫,离开了我们平时享有的极大安宁。 △2H.IV.4.3.54 (49): “to the which courseif I be enforced.”要是我被迫采取了这种办法。 △3H.VI.1.1.229: “The Earl of Warwick and the Duke en- forced me. ” 我是受了沃利克伯爵和约克公爵的逼迫。 △3H.VI.1.1.230:“Enforced thee? Art thou king.and wilt be forced?”逼迫你? 你是国王,难道就让人逼迫吗? 2. obtain by force用暴力取得。 △As.2.3.32:“Or witha base and boisterous sword enforce /A thievish livingon the common road?”或者拿一把下贱、野蛮的大刀在大路上靠暴力过强盗生涯吗? 3. carry out strictly严格执行。 △Oth.5.2.368 (369):“O,enforce it!”啊,要严格执行! 4. urge on,demand with importunity催促,强求。 △Lr.2.3.19: “Sometimes with lunatic bans,sometimes with prayers,/ Enforce their charity.”有时用疯狂的咒骂,有时用祈求,强求他们的布施。 5. draw out forcibly强有力地引出。 △H.V.3.7.29(27): “His neigh is like the bidding of a monarch andhis countenance enforces homage.”它的嘶鸣就像是君王的号令,它的容颜使人不能不肃然起敬。 6. throw with force,send with force,hurl by force,fling用力投掷,用力发射,猛投,抛出。 △H.V.4.7.65 (61):“as swift as stones / Enforced from the old Assyrianslings.”快得就像从古时候亚述人的弓弩所猛射出的石弹。 enforce[inˈfɔ:s]v. 执行,实行,强制,强迫,加强,坚持 ◇ enforce the law 执法 ‖ enforce a blockade 实行封锁 enforce martial law 戒严 enforce stock holding system 实行股份制 enforced currency 强制通货 enforced liquidation 强制清算 enforced marriage 强迫婚姻 enforcing authority 强制执行判决 enforceable adj. 可执 (实)行的 enforceable at law 可用法律强制执行的 enforceable award 有执行力的仲裁裁决 enforcedly adv. enforcement n. 执行,强制 enforcement action 申请强制执行判决的诉讼 enforcement contact 强迫接触 enforcement measure 强制措施 enforcement notice实施通知书 enforcement of judgement 执行判决 enforcement of legal responsibility 法律责任的执行 enforcement power 强制执行权力,执行权 enforcement regulation 实施细则 enforcer n.强制者,实施者 |