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Ⅰ ❶ (幼年丧父或父母双亡的人) orphan:鳏寡 ~ 独 widowers,widows,orphans and childless couples
❷ (姓氏) a surname:~ 远 Gu Yuan Ⅱ (幼年丧父或父母双亡的) (of a child) fatherless or orphaned
❷ (单独;孤单) lonely;isolated;solitary:~ 岛 an isolated island;~ 零零的 lonely and helpless;~ 雁 a solitary wild goose Ⅲ (封建王侯的自称) I (used by feudal princes)
◆孤傲 apartheid;proud and aloof;
孤本 the only copy extant;the only existing copy;unique copy;
孤标傲世 a solitary tree that regards the world with contempt;
孤臣孽子 a minister without support at court and a prince born of a concubine fallen from grace;a solitary minister and a perverse son;
孤雏腐鼠 a lone young bird or a decayed rat — easily be deserted;an ordinary person;
孤单 alone;friendless;lonely;
孤岛 islet;
孤灯独坐 sit alone in front of the lamp (indulging in sad thoughts);
孤点 insula;acnode;isolated point;
孤顶花 barbados lily;
孤犊 orphan;
孤犊触乳 An orphan-calf injures the nursing cow — ingratitude.;
孤独 lonely;lonesome;single;reclusive;solitary;
孤独无偶 all alone without a mate;
孤独无援 alone and with no help;
孤儿 orphan;
孤儿寡妇 orphans and widows;people having no support and protection;
孤芳自赏 indulge in self-admiration;a lone soul admiring his own purity;A single fragrant flower enjoys its own excellence.;a solitary flower in love with its own fragrance;narcissistic;remain aloof from the world;spurning publicity;think no end of oneself;
孤腑 solitary hollow organ;
孤高自许 be a solitary individual and go around with one's head in the air;
孤鸽 solitaire;
孤寡 orphans and widows;
孤寡老人 an elderly person of no family;
孤魂随鬼 like wraiths following devils;
孤魂无依 a solitary soul with no one to depend upon;
孤寂 loneliness;
孤家寡人 the regal isolationist;a loner;a man without followers;a person in solitary splendor;a person who is utterly isolated;a person who has no mass support;a person who leads a secluded life;be all alone by oneself without any real backing;living in splendid isolation;the man who is completely isolated;
孤酒难饮 hard to drink alone;
孤军 an isolated force;
孤军作[奋]战 fight in isolation;fight a lone battle;carry on the struggle single-handed [alone];fight singlehanded [single-handedly];孤苦伶仃 lonely [alone] and helpless;alone and friendless;alone and uncared for;friendless and penniless;friendless and wretched;be left alone,suffering and struggling the best way one can;be left in the world without kith and kin;lone;orphaned and helpless;poor and destitute;sad and lonely — isolated and wretched;utterly forlorn and alone;
孤狼 lone wolf;
孤立 isolated;solitary;separate;isolate;seclude;
孤立无援 be isolated and helpless;alone and helpless;be left alone and helpless;be left high and dry;fall to the ground;fail from lack of support;in a condition of utter helplessness;isolated and cut off from help;marooned;standing alone without help;thrown on one's own resources;
孤零零 solitary;lone;all alone;
孤陋寡闻 with very limited knowledge and scanty information;be all by himself in some backwoods,he knows little of what is going on in the world of affairs.;be cut off from the world;be sequestered from the community and be thus poorly informed;ignorant;ignorant and ill-informed;ill-informed;live in a backwater;out of touch with the outside world and ignorant of the state of affairs;poorly read and ignorant;(He) received very little intelligence about the world outside;rude and with no experience;seeing and hearing little;shut up in his retreat;solitary and inexperienced;
孤绿鹃 solitary vireo;
孤鸾寡鹄 a lone phoenix and a widowed goose;a widow;single man or woman;
孤门独户 the only house and solitary door — dwelling alone;
孤眠独宿 sleep alone;
孤僻 unsociable and eccentric;solitary;unsocial;odd;
孤山 [非] kopje;lost mountain;butte;{地} isolated hill;
孤身赴敌 (go to) fight the enemy alone;
孤身枯坐 sit alone;
孤身一人 all on one's own;
孤身只影 lonely;a lone man and a solitary shadow;all alone;a lone soul;all by oneself;
孤行己见 carry out one's ideas alone;act in disregard of other people's opinion;cling obstinately to one's own course;be hell-bent on having one's way;follow one's bigoted course;bent on acting wilfully;do only what one wishes;
孤燕不成夏 One swallow doesn't make a summer.;
孤云野鹤 (like) a lone cloud or a wild crane — descriptive of the life of a carefree hermit;the solitary cloud and the wild crane;
孤掌难鸣 cannot clap with one hand;alone and helpless;A single palm cannot clap.;It is difficult [impossible] to make a clap with one palm [hand].;It's hard to succeed without support.;One can hardly do much single-handed.;One who stands alone has no power.;single-handed and helpless;The effort of an individual does not count much.;The voice of one man is the voice of no one.;To effect this single-handed was too difficult.;
孤枕独眠 sleep alone on a single pillow;
孤枝花 idiocladenthy;
孤植 isolated planting;
孤值 isolated value;
孤竹 a surname;
孤注一掷 throw the helve after the hatchet;bet all on a single throw;bet one's bottom [last] dollar on ...;go for the gloves;go nap over ...;have [put] all one's eggs in one basket;make a last desperate effort;make a spoon or spoil a horn;make or break [mar];mend or mar;place all one's efforts in a single thing;put the fate of ... at a stake;risk everything [all] on a single throw [venture];risk everything on one big effort;shoot Niagara;shoot the works;sink or swim;stake all [one's fortune] in a single throw;stake all one has;stake everything on a cast of the dice;stake everything on one last throw [a single cast;chance];stake everything on this attempt [move];take a great risk;venture...on a single chance;venture one's fortune on a single stake;vie money on the turn of a card;win the horse or lose the saddle;win the mare or lose the halter





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更新时间:2025/3/3 17:22:49