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单词 effect


1.intention,purpose;(intended) action打算,意图;打算的行动。
△Ham.3.4.127(128):“Lest with this piteousaction you convert / My stern effects.”否则你这种可怜的神情会改变了我的坚决的主意。
2. deed,act,action 行为,动作,行动。
△Mac.5.1.10(9):“to receive at once the benefit of sleep and dothe effects of watching!” 一面享受睡眠的好处,一面还做醒着的事。
3. fulfillment,realization完成,实现。
△Gent.1.1.50:“all the fair effects of future hopes”,一切未来希望的美妙实现。
△Lr.4.2.14: “Our wishes on the way / Mayprove effects.”i.e.Our hopes we expressed to oneanother as we journeyed here; to get rid of Albanyand to fulfill our love,may be realized. 我们在路上谈起的希望也许可以实现了。
4. practice实践,实际。
△Oth.1.2.13:“in his effect”,i.e. in practice. (他)在实际上。
5. agent,executor,perpetrator代理人,执行者,行凶者。
△R.III.1.2.121 (120): “Thou wast the cause,and most accursed effect.”你就是主使者和最可诅咒的凶手。
6. result,issue,consequence结果,结局,后果。
△Rom.1.5.110 (106): “Then move not while my prayer’seffect I take.”那么,你不要动,就让我来领受自己祈求的结果(吻)吧。
△Lr.1.1.188(185):“That good effects mayspring from words of love.”亲爱的话语里能产生好的结果。
△Oth.1.3.225 (224): “yet opinion,a sovereign mis-tress of effects,throws a more safer voice on you.”i.e.public opinion,which finally determines whatshould be done,feels safer with you in command. 但是舆论,那最能决定事情结果的女主人,认为只有你去镇守才更为安全。
△R.III.1.2. 122 (121): “Your beauty was thecause of that effect,”你的美貌才是造成这种结果的原因。
7. advantage利益,好处。
△Ham.3.3.53:“That cannotbe,since I am still possessed / Of those effects forwhich I did the murder.”这不可能,因为我现在仍然占有着那些我由谋杀而得到的好处。
8. manifestation,expression表现,表示。
△Ado.2. 3.119(107): “Why,what effects of passion shows she?”那么,她到底有什么热情的表示呢?
△Lr. 2. 4. 182 (179):“Effects of courtesy,” i.e. courteous behaviour. 礼貌的表现;(又译)礼貌的行动。
△H.VIII.2.4.84 (86):“and dis-played the effects / Of disposition gentle”,并且处处表现出温柔的性格。
9. sign,token,symptom,appearance记号,标志,征兆,外貌。
△2H.IV.1.2.184 (160): “There is not a whitehair in your face but should have his (= its) effect of gravity.”你脸上的每一根白须都应该有个德高望重的样子。
10. symptom症状。
△2H.IV. 1. 2. 133(116): “I haveread the cause of his (= its) effects in Galen,”我在加伦的医书里读到过这种病的症状的起因。
11. purport,gist,general drift主旨,要点,大意。
△Ham.5.2.36: “Wilt thou know / The effect of what I wrote?”你要知道我写的是什么吗?
in the effect of: in accordance with,for the sake of,in a manner suitable to按照,为了,与…相适合。
△ 2H.IV.2.1. 146(130):“but answer in the effect of your repu-tation,and satisfy the poor woman. ”但是为了你的名誉,你得做出补偿,满足这个可怜的妇女的要求。
to effect: in consequence,in importance在后果方面,在重要性上。
△Lr.3.1. 52: “Few words,but,to effect,more than all yet;”还有一句话,可比什么都重要。


1. bring about,influence (one) to carry out导致,促使实行。
△H.V.2. 2. 156: “Although I did admit it as amotive / The sooner to effect what I intended.”虽然我得承认它也算是一种动机,促使我尽快实行我的打算。
△3H.VI.2.6.97: “And then to Brittany I’ll cross the sea / Toeffect this marriage,so it please my lord.”然后再渡海到不列塔尼去促成这门婚事,假如主上同意的话。
2. execute,perform,accomplish 执行,履行,办。
△2H.IV. 4. 4. 24: “And noble offices thou mayesteffect / Of mediation,after I am dead,”在我死了以后,你可以尽到你那崇高的调解疏通的责任。
△2H. VI.1.2.83:“When from Saint Albans we do make return,/ We’llsee these things effected to the full.”等我们从圣奥尔本回来,我们就把这些事情完全办好。
△R.III. 3. 1. 157 (158):“Thou art sworn as deeply to effect what we intend”,你曾经真心发誓要执行我们谋划的事。
△H.VIII. 1.1.107:“What his high hatred would effect”,他那极大的仇恨所想要实行的事。
△Gent.3.2.66:“As much as I can do,Iwill effect.”我要尽力去办。
△Mid.3.2.395: “We mayeffect this business yet ere day.”我们好在天亮之前把这事办成。
3. fulfil,realize完成,实现。
△Gent.3.2.22: “Thouknow’st how willingly I would effect / The match be-tween Sir Thurio and my daughter?”你知道我是多么愿意促成修利欧爵士和我的女儿的这件婚事。
△Oth. 3. 4. 166(167):“And seek to effect it to my uttermost.”并且尽我的全力把它实现。
△1H. VI. 5.1.15: “the sooner toeffecf / And surer bind this knot of amity,”为了早日实现并且牢牢系紧这种友好的结合…。
△2H. VI.3.1.170:“The ancient proverb will be well effected: / ‘A staffis quickly found to beat a dog.’”那句古老的谚语马上就要实现了:“要打狗,很快就会找到棍子。”


n. 效果,功效结果,作用,影响(pl.) 动产,财物 v. 引起,发生,招致,实现
◇ carry into effect = bring (put) into effect 实施,实现
come into effect =go into effect 实施,生效
effect on =effect upon 对…有影响(作用)/ for effect 为了产生效果
have an effect on (upon)对…发生作用
in effect 实际上,正实行中
of no effect 无效
take effect 生效,见效
to no effect 没有取得任何效果
to the effect that 关于…方面的,大意,以便
to this effect 为此
with effect 有效地
with effect from 从…起生效
‖ adding sound effect 添加音响效果
currently in effect 现行
effect amplifier 效果放大器
effect analysis 效果分析
effect disc 特技插盘
effect factor 效果因子
effect glass 特技用玻璃
effect instrumen t 效果乐器
effect interest rate 实际利率
effect lighting 特技照明,效果光
effect mixer 音响效果混合器
effect model 效果模型
effect music 效果音乐
effect of art 艺术效果
effect of imitation模仿效应
effect of inflation 通货膨胀的影响
effect of interest 兴趣效能
effect of lessened imports on economic activity 减少进口对经济活动的影响
effect of mixed-ability grouping 混合能力分组效应
effect of taxation 纳税作用
effect payments 付款
effect pedals 效果踏板
effect shipment 交货
effect sound 特技声
effect the collection 托收业务
effects animation 动画效果
effects bank(音响)效果切换单元
effects circuit 音响效果电路
effects diameter 杀伤区域直径
effects generator 音响效果发生器
effects library 效果资料室
effects not cleared 未清算票据
effects studio 特技演播室
effects tape效果声带
effecting range 有效航程,有效射程
effective adj. 生效的,有效的,显著的
◇ be effective on 对…有作用,对…有效应
become effective 生效
take effective measure采取有效措施
effective actuation time 有效激励时间
effective administration 有效管理
effective area 有效面积
effective average interest rate 平均利率
effective blockade of war 战时有效封锁
effective blockade 有效封锁
effective boundary line 有效边界线
effective burst radius 有效爆炸半径
effective burst 有效爆炸
effective calculability 有效可计算性
effective casualty radius 有效杀伤半径
effective combat ceiling 有效战斗高度
effective communication 有效沟通
effective confusion area 有效干扰面积
effective control 有效控制
effective cost 实际成本
effective cost of education 实际教育成本
effective credit 有效贷款
effective crossover 有效截面
effective date 生效日期
effective demand 有效需求,有支付能力的需求
effective diameter 有效直径
effective disarmament 有效裁军
effective distance 有效距离
effective enumeration 有效枚举
effective environment of education 教育效益环境
Effective Exchange Rate Index for the Hong Kong Dollar (EERI)港汇指数,港元实际汇兑指数
effective exchange rate index 实际汇率指数
effective exchange rate 实际汇率
effective fire 有效射击
effective forces 实有战斗兵力
effective gold standard 实际金本位制
effective history 有影响的历史
effective intercept range 有效截击距离
effective interception 有效截击
effective interest income 实际利息收益
effective interest rate differentials 有效利率差异
effective interest rate of yield 债券实际获利率
effective interest rate 实际利率
effective interpretation有效解释
effective jammer 有效干扰
effective labor supply 实际求职人数
effective landing area 安全着陆地区
effective liability实际负债
effective lifetime 有效寿命
effective liquidity 资金有效流动性
effective loans held by bank 银行贷出的已生效贷款
effective loans 已生效贷款
effective management 有效管理
effective method 有效方法
effective money 有效货币
effective nationality 有效国籍
effective offer 有效报价
effective payment clause 实际付款条款
effective period 有效期
effective pickup range有效跟踪距离
effective population 实际人口
effective population of education 实际教育人口
effective price 有效价格
effective procedure 有效程序
effective proof procedure 有效证明程序
effective propulsive phase 动作的有效部分
effective quantity of money 实际通货量
effective range of fire 有效射程
effective range 有效范围,有效射程
effective rate 实际比率
effective rate of foreign exchange 实际汇率
effective rate peg有效货币汇率挂钩
effective reaction 有效反作用力
effective recourse 有效的追索权
effective resistance 有效阻力
effective salvo效力齐射
effective savings 有效储蓄
effective secretary 执行秘书
effective sortie 有效架次
effective speed 有效速度
effective stimulus 有效刺激
effective striking distance有效攻击距离
effective supply 有效供给
effective tariff 实际关税税率
effective value有效价值
effective video 有效视频
effective yield 实际收入,实际收益
effective zone有效打击区
effectively adv. effectiveness n.效力
effectiveness of fire 射击效果
effectiveness of monetary policy 货币政策的有效性
effectiveness of the stroke 划动效力
effectiveness theory 绩效理论,能行性理论
lose effectiveness 失效
effector n. 试验器,效应器,效应基因
compact effectors 组合效果器
effects n. 动产
effectual adj. 有效的,有效果的,奏效的
effectual demand 有效需求
effectuation n.





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