稿[稾]ɡǎo ❶ [书] (谷类植物的茎)stalk of grain;straw ❷ (稿子) draft;sketch:草 ~ rough draft; 画 ~ a painter's sketch; 这不过是个初 ~。 This is only a first draft. ❸ (外发公文的草稿) manuscript;original text:拟~ make a manuscript; 底 ~ original copy of a published article; 定 ~ finalize a text ◆稿本 manuscript; 稿草吹送器 straw blower; 稿草打捆机 straw binder; 稿费酬 payment for an article or book written;contribution fee;author's remuneration;royalty from a book or an article; 稿秆 straw;stalk; 稿荐 straw mattress;mat or cushion; 稿件 manuscript;contribution; 稿图架 copyholder;copyboard; 稿型 chirotype; 稿约 notice to contributors; 稿纸 squared or lined paper for making drafts or copying manuscripts;manuscript paper; 稿子 draft;sketch;manuscript;contribution;idea;plan |