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单词 ease


1. comfortableness舒适。
△1H.VI.2.5.44: “And inthat ease,I’ll tell thee my disease.”等你舒服一点,我再把我的苦恼告诉你。
do (someone) ease: give comfort to把舒适给予…
△3H.VI.5.5. 72:“By heaven,I will not do thee somuch ease.”凭上天发誓,我才不想叫你舒舒服服死掉呢。
for my ease: (a polite rejoiner) I am really morecomfortable with my hat off这样(不戴帽子)更舒服。
△Ham.5.2.110 (105):“Nay,good my lord,for myease,in good faith.”不,殿下,我这样舒服些,真的。
2. comfortableness,comfort舒适,安慰。
△Ham.1.1.131:“That may to thee do ease,” i. e. give comfort toyou. 可以使你得到安息。
3. comfortableness,pleasure舒适.快乐。
△Rom. 4. 5.102:“Heart’s ease”. i . e. the title of a popular song ofthe time.《心里的快乐》(当时一首流行歌曲的题目)。
4. comfortableness,rest from work 舒适,休息
△H.VIII.Epi.2: “Some come to take their ease,/And sleep an act or two;”有些人来这里是为了休养精神,戏演了一两幕,他们却在睡觉。
5. rest from work,retirement from duty休息,退休
△2H.VI.2.3.21:“Sorrow would solace and mine agewould ease.”忧伤需要安慰,我这衰暮之年也需要休息。
6. protection保护。
△Lr.3.4. 23: “Prithee go in thy-self,seek thine own ease.”请你自己进去吧,给你自己找个安身之处。
7. quiet,i.e. disuse安静.(转指)不用。with ease: from lack of use 由于缺乏使用。
△2H.VI.32. 198: “But here’s a vengeful sword,rusted withease,”但是这里倒有一把复仇之剑,由于缺乏使用而生锈了。
8. easiness容易。
at what ease: how easily多么容易地。
△H.VIII.5.1.132(131): “At what ease╱ Might corrupt minds procureknaves as corrupt ╱ To swear against you?”心地邪恶的人要收买一些跟他们同样邪恶的坏蛋来赌咒发誓诬害你.又是多么容易呀?


1. free… from anxiety or passion使…摆脱焦急或激怒。
△1H. IV . 1 . 3 . 127:“for I will ease my heart,”因为我要出一出心头的怒气。
2. appease抚慰。
△3H. VI.1.3. 29:“It could not slakemine ire nor ease my heart. ”它既不能缓解我的怒火,也不能抚慰我的内心。


n. 容易,轻易,安心,舒心(适) v. 缓和,减轻,舒适 (畅) ,安心,放松 (宽)
◇ at one’s ease 自由自在
ease down 缓和,降低
ease off 缓和,减轻
ease of mind 心情舒畅
ease oneself 使自己轻松
for ease of 以便
ill at ease 不自在…不安
set sb. at ease使某人安心
take one’s ease 无拘无束
with ease 容易地,轻而易举地
‖ ease employment pressure 缓解就业压力
ease home 轻易取胜
ease of entry 简化报关手续
ease of money 银根松动
ease turn 慢速转弯
easing of credit 信贷松动
easing of money rate 货币利率下降
easeful adj.舒适的,安逸的
easefully adv. easement n. 安逸,舒适,缓和,地役权
easement of light 采光地役权
easy adj. 容易地,舒适的,安心的,无拘无束的,大方的,(市价)便宜的,供过于求的
◇ as easy as ABC 极其容易,非常简单
as easy as anything 易如反掌
easier said than done说来容易做来难
easy as my eye 易如反掌
easy on the eye 好看的,悦目的
go easy 从容不迫
rest easy 高枕无忧
take it easy 从容不迫,松懈
with easily 极其容易地
easy acceleration run 放松加速跑
easy ahead 低速前进
Easy all! 停! 休息
easy and comfortable 安逸
easy area 易航区域
easy assistance 轻微助力
easy ball 机会球
easy coordinated running 放松的协调跑步
easy credit terms 放宽信贷条件
easy credit 扩大信用
easy day 小运动量训练日
easy free 放松游自由泳
easy jog 放松慢跑
easy money policy 放松信贷政策,低利率政策
easy money 低息贷款
easy open can 易拉罐
easy payment 分期付款
easy position 头寸宽裕
easy purchase 分期付款购置
easy ring-pull can 易拉罐
easy running 放松跑
easy shot 轻易投中,无人看守的近投
easy start 放松起跑
easy striding 放松大步跑
easy swimming 放松游
easy synth 轻松合成音
easy terms 特惠条款
easy victory 轻易取得的胜利
easily adv.容易地,舒适地
easiness n. 轻松,容易,安逸,舒适
easiness of money market 市场银根松动





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