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❶ (把东西弯转成圆筒形或环形) roll up: 把竹帘子 ~ 起来 roll up the bamboo screen;~ 起地毯 [地图,画卷] roll up a carpet [map,scroll];~ 起衣袖开始干活 roll up one's shirt sleeves and start working;
他把帽子 ~ 紧塞进口袋。 He wadded his cap into his pocket.
❷ (一种大的力量把东西撮起或裹住) sweep off;carry along: 汽车飞驰而过,~ 起一阵尘土。A car sped past,raising a cloud of dust. 一个大浪把小船 ~ 走了。A huge wave swept the boat away.
❸ (陷入) embroil: 当时整个欧洲都被 ~ 入了战争。 All Europe was then embroiled in war. 我不愿 ~ 到他们的争吵中去。 I don't want to become embroiled in their quarrels. Ⅱ ❶ (裹成圆筒形的东西) cylindrical mass of sth. ;roll: 铺盖 ~ 儿 bedding roll
❷ (卷子) steamed roll: 花 ~ 儿 fancy-shaped [plaited,twisted] steamed roll Ⅲ (弯曲的) curly: ~ 发 curly hair Ⅳ (用于成卷的东西) roll;spool;reel: 一 ~ 报纸 a roll of newspapers;
一 ~ 布 [纸] a roll of cloth [paper];一 ~ 胶片 a roll of film
另见 see also juàn。
◆卷柏 Selaginella tamariscina;
卷板机 veneer reeling machine;
卷笔刀 pencil sharpener;
卷边 edge curl;bowing;roll hem;edge roll;{机} hemming;curl;beading of the tube end;beading;crimping;
卷布 batching;
卷材 coiled material;
卷尺 band tape;flexible rule;line tape;measuring reel;measuring tape;pocket tape;push-pull tape;tape measure;tapeline;
卷带(磁带) winding;
卷发 buckle;ringlet;curly hair;wavy hair;crimped hair;
卷簧机 spring coiling machine;
卷簧器 spring winder;
卷积 folding;convolution;faltung;
卷积云 {气} cirrocu ̄mulus;cirrocumulus cloud (Cc);
卷铺盖 pack up and quit;get the sack;get fired;
卷曲 {纸} curl;crispation;curl over;curling;frond;snarls;crimp;crinkle;
卷绕 {电工} wind;coiling;{纺} winding;ring;
卷刃 (of a knife blade) be turned;
卷入 be drawn into;be involved in;
卷舌 {语} retroflection;
卷缩 crispatura;snarls;
卷筒 {机} drum;spool;coiling block;winding drum;barrel;reel;roll;
卷筒纸 web;
卷土重来 stage [make] a comeback;bob up;bounce back;fight back;make a strong effort to recover lost ground after a defeat;
卷心菜 [方] cabbage;
卷烟 cigarette;cigar;
卷沿女帽 beam;
卷扬机 jenny;windlass;donkey engine;draw-work;teagle;winding engine;cable hoist;hoist engine;hoister;tugger;capstan engine;reversing winch;whim;
卷叶 leaf roll;
卷云 {气} Cirrus;cirrus cloud(Ci); 卷纸 stock form; 卷轴 {设计} reel;pony roll;winding shaft;take-up;roller;beam;
卷状云 {气} cirriform;
卷子 steamed rol


Ⅰ ❶ (书本) book: 手不释 ~ always have a book in one's hand;be a diligent reader
❷ (卷子) examination paper: 交 ~ hand in an examination paper
❸ (机关里保存的文件) file;dossier: 查 ~ look through the files
❹ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 章 Juan Zhang Ⅱ (全书的一部分;书籍册数) volume: 第三 ~ Volume Ⅲ;编辑本 ~ 花了好几年时间。 Years have been spent in compiling this volume. 这个图书馆藏书10万 ~。 This library has 100,000 volumes.
另见 see also juǎn。
◆卷名 file label;
卷轴 [书] scroll;
卷子 examination paper;
卷宗 folder;file;dossier;archive










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