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单词 duty


1. that which one is bound to do,obligation,one’s due,conduct due towards a superior责任,义务,本分,(对上级的)应有举止。
△3H.VI.5.5.33:“I know my duty,you are all undutiful.”我知道自己的本分,你们都是不守本分的人。
△H.VIII.3.2.194 (193):“Though all the worldshould crack their duty to you / And throw it fromtheir soul,”纵然世上的人全都违背了他们对你的义务,并把这种义务从他们心灵中抛弃。
△R.III.1.3. 250 (249):“Were you well served,you would be taught your duty.”如果你要受到好好的待遇,你就得先接受教训,懂得自己的本分。
2. that which one is bound to do,sense of duty责任,责任感。
△Ham.1.2. 39: “Farewell,and let your hastecommend your duty.”i.e. Let your haste show yoursense of duty. 再见,愿你们速去速回,表明你们办事负责。
3. that which one is bound to do,service责任,职务。
△Oth.1.3.41: “With his free duty”,i.e. With hiswilling service. 本着他自己的职责。
4. service效劳。
△Shr.Ind.1.82: “So please yourlordship to accept our duty.”老爷如不嫌弃,请接受我们的效劳。
△R.III.3.3.2 (3): “Today shalt thou behold asubject die / For truth,for duty,and for loyalty.”今天你就要看见一个臣子为了他的诚实、他的效劳和他的忠心而死。
5. due,reward应得之物,报酬。
△Shr.4.1.38 (36):“Do thy duty and have thy duty.”尽你的职务,享受你的酬劳。(又译:鞠躬尽瘁,自有厚赏。)
6. piety虔诚。
△Mid.5.1.86:“And duty in his serv-ice perishing.”忠诚被拿出来的玩意儿糟蹋了。
△R.III.2.2. 107: “God bless thee,and put meekness in thybreast,/ Love,charity,obedience,and true duty.”愿上帝赐福于你,并把温良、友爱、慈悲、服从和真心虔诚放进你的胸怀。
7. filial piety孝敬。
△Oth.1.1.136(135):“Tying herduty,beauty,wit,and fortunes / In an extravagantand wheeling stranger / Of here and everywhere.”把她的孝道(又译:责任)、美貌、聪明和财富全都交给了一个东飘西荡、到处流浪的外邦人。
△Ham.2.2.107:“Who in her duty and obedience,mark,/ Hath given me this.”她出于孝心和服从,请注意,把这个交给我了。
8. obedience,submission服从,顺从。
△Mid.1.1.127:“With duty and desire we follow you.”我们欣然从命。
△Shr.5.2.126(125):“what a foolish duty call you this?”你这是何等愚蠢的服从?
△As.1.2.179(167):“I attend them with all respect and duty.”我愿恭敬而谦恭地伺候她们;我敬谨伺候。
△Oth.1.3.184: “you are the lord of duty;”你是(我)应该服从的尊长。
△H.V.3.6.7:“and a man that I love and honour with my soul,and my heart,and my and my uttermost power.”他是我用我的灵魂、我的心、我的恭顺、我的生命、我的生存以及我的一切力量所爱戴和尊敬的一个人。
9. respect,reverence,compliment 尊敬,崇敬,敬意。
△Gent.2.1.117 (107): “for my duty to your ladyship.”出于对小姐您的尊敬。
△L.L.L.4.2.149(143):“I forgive thy duty.”你不必致敬了(你可以免礼)。
△Tw. 3.1.107(95): “My duty,madam,and most humbleservice.”小姐,谨致敬礼并愿效劳。
△Ham. 4. 3. 5: “Ifthat his Majesty would aught with us,(i.e.wishes tohave anything with us,wants to see us,) / We shallexpress our duty in his eye,”假如王上有什么事要跟我说,我也可以当面向他表示敬意。(又译:前去觐见。)
△Lr.2.4.29: “Ere I was risen from the place that showed / Myduty kneeling,” (Kent tries to show that he treatedRegan and Cornwall with respect,delivering Lear’sletter on his knees.)我恭恭敬敬跪在那个地方,还没有起身。
△Oth.3.2.2:“And by him do my duties to the Sen-ate.”i.e. pay my respects to the Senate.并且让他为我向元老院致敬。
△2H.IV.2.1.140 (125): “No,my lord,my humble duty remembered,I will not be your suit-or.”不,大人,尽管我时刻记住对你的敬意,但我对你并无所求
△2H.VI.1.3.160 (157): “But God in mercy so deal with my soul / As I in duty love my king and country.”但是上帝以慈悲对待我的灵魂,我怀着崇敬之心热爱我的国王和国家。
△R.III.1.2.217 (216):“I will with all expedient duty see you.”然后我就赶紧带着全部敬意来看你。
10. due merit,due respect应得的荣誉,应得的尊敬。
△1H.IV.5.2.55: “He gave you all the duties of a man,”他把一个男子汉应得的荣誉都给予你。
11. reverence,ceremony尊敬,礼节。
breach of duty: violation of reverence or ceremony失敬,失礼。
△H.VIII.2.2.69(68):“Our breach of duty this way / Is business of estate;”我们在这方面失敬,是为了国事。
12. dutiful respects忠顺的敬意。
△Ham.5.2.189(182):“I commend my duty to your lordship.”(a polite leave-taking)谨向殿下致以忠顺的敬意。(告别时的客套语。)
△L.L.L.5.2.200(199):“Our duty is so rich,so infinite.”我们的忠顺是如此的丰富,如此的无限。
13. loyalty to the king,homage to a sovereign对国王的忠诚,对君主的效忠之礼。
△Mac.3.4.92(91):“Our duties,and the pledge.”谨效忠诚,敢不从命干杯。
△2H.VI.3.1.17:“Disdaining duty that to us belongs.”不屑于向我们行个应有的臣子之礼。
△3H.VI.5.7.28:“The dutythat I owe unto your Majesty / I seal upon the lips ofthis sweet babe.”我在这位可爱的小宝宝嘴唇上亲吻,再次表示我对陛下的效忠之忱。
△H.VIII.1.2.198:“As he madesemblance of his duty,” i.e. as he made as if to kneel.他在假装下跪行礼的时候。
△H.VIII.1.2.60:“This makesbold mouths,╱Tongues spit their duties out,and coldhearts freeze /Allegiance in them;”这使得人们的嘴巴和舌头都放肆起来,把对君主的崇敬唾弃不顾.冷冰冰的心把忠诚冻结起来。
14. feudal homage,homage封建效忠仪式,宣誓效忠。
△1H.VI. 3 .1.169: “And in reguerdon of that dutydone,/ I girt thee with the valiant sword of York.”为了奖赏你的宣誓效忠,我给你佩带上这把约克的英勇宝剑。
△1H.VI.3.4.3: “I have a while given truce unto mywars ╱ To do my duty to my sovereign.”我就下令暂时休战.前来向国王敬献臣子之礼。
do duty: make obeisance,do homage朝拜,宣誓效忠。
△R.Ⅲ.1.3.251 (250): “To serve me well,you allshould do me duty,/ Teach me to be your queen,andyou my subjects.”如果要好好对待我,你们全都该对我宣誓效忠,告诉我怎样做你们的王后,你们怎样做我的臣子。


n. 义务,职责,责任,关税,工作量,负载
◇ be duty-bound to do sth.义不容辞做某事
carry out the duties 执行任务
do duty for 代替
do one’s duty 尽职
duty for duty’s sake为义务而义务
duty wit h troops=duty with troop units 部队中任职
neglect one’s duty 玩忽职守
off duty 下班,不值班
on duty 值日
perform one’s duty in a perfunctory manner 敷衍塞责
take over sb.’s duties 接替某人的工作
the line of duty 值勤,公务
‖ duty air force specialty 空军人员在编职务等级
duty allowance 职务津贴
duty assignment 个人职务
duty battle flight 战斗值班飞行
duty belt 值勤武装带
duty bound to pay taxes 纳税义务
duty branch 军官服役部门
duty chart 工作时间表,值勤表
duty declaration form 报税单
duty director 值班引导员
duty draw back 货物再出口时的退税
duty drawback 关税退税
duty engineer 值班工程师
duty exemption 免税
duty flight crew 值班空勤组
duty for revenue 国库税
duty forward 预付关税
duty free 免税的
duty-free commodities 免税商品
duty free goods 免税商品
duty-free port 免税港
duty free shop 免税商店
duty free slips 免税单
duty hour 值班时间
duty in civil affairs 民事义务
duty insurance 关税保险
duty journey公差
duty list 职务表,职责表
duty mileage allowance 外勤行车津贴
duty navigator 值勤领航员
duty of abstention 不作为的义务
duty of care 抚养责任
duty of care for safety对旅客安全应负的责任
duty of child to support parents 子女赡养父母的责任
duty of cohabitation 同居义务
duty of contribution 捐助义务
duty of disclosure 披露责任
duty of maintenance 抚养义务
duty of performance 履行义务
duty of performing military service 服兵役义务
duty of support 抚养义务
duty of vigilance 警戒责任
duty officer 值勤军官
duty on value added 增值税
duty paid 关税已付,已完税的
duty paid certificate 完税凭证
duty-paid price 完税价格
duty paid proofs 完税凭证
duty paid value 总价值
duty passage 出外公差旅费
duty period 工作周期
duty petty officer 值班军士
duty pilot 值班飞行员
duty quotas 关税限额
duty rate 关税税率,税率
duty record book 值班登记簿
duty-related death benefit 因工死亡福利
duty-related injury benefit 因工受伤福利
duty room 值班室
duty roster 值勤表
duty runway 值勤跑道
duty solicitor 责任律师
duty space surveillance officer 航天监视值勤官
duty station 执勤单位
duty status 服役状况
duty time 值勤时间
duty to mitigate damage 减轻损害的责任
duty to pay taxes 纳税义务
duty to provide support 抚养义务
dut y to support parents 赡养父母的义务
duty visit 例行拜访,职务访问
duties created by private law 私法上的义务
duties created by public law 公法上的义务
duties of perfect obligation 完全强制的义务
dutiable adj. 应缴税款的
dutiable articles 应上税的物品
dutiable goods 应税货物
dutiable items 应税物品 dutiable price 完税价
dutiable value 完税价值
duty-free adj. 免税的
dutiful adj. 尽职的,尽本分的,顺从的
dutifully adv. dutifulness n. 尽职,顺从





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