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单词 dull


1. blunt. obtuse,not keen-edged钝的.迟钝的,不锐利的。
△Oth.2.1.230 (226):“When the blood is made dullwith the act of sport,there should be. again to in-flame it and to give satiety a fresh appetite,”肉欲经过一段游戏就变得迟钝了,那时为了再把欲火点燃起来.让腻味的东西再引起新的胃口.就得有…。
2. obtuse,slow of understanding 迟钝的,愚钝的。
△Ado.2.1.144 (137): “a very dull fool;” 一个愚不可及的傻瓜。
3. stupid愚蠢的。
△ Oth.5.2.223 (225): “O thou dullMoor,”啊,你这愚蠢的摩尔人。
4. lethargic. in ert冷漠的.呆滞的。
△ Ham. 1.5.32:“And duller shouldst thou be than the fat weed / Thatroots itself in ease on Lethe wharf,”你简直比在忘川河岸安安稳稳生根的肥大的蔓草还要呆滞。
5. drowsy,sluggish,stupid昏昏欲睡的,懒惰的
△2H.IV.3.1.15: “O thou dull god,”啊.你这昏愦的神灵。
6. slow,inert,sluggish,indolent慢吞吞的,不活跃的,懒惰的.怠惰的。
△1H IV.4.2.87 (80):“a dull fighter”,一个懒惰的战士。
△R.III.2.2.91: “In common worldlythings ’tis called ungrateful ╱ With dull unwillingnessto repay a debt,/ Which with a bounteous hand waskindly lent;”在平常的世俗事务中,要是对于人家好心好意慷慨大方借给自己的债却迟迟不想偿还,是要被叫做忘恩负义的。
△R.III.4.3.51: “I have learned that fearful commenting╱Is leaden servitor to dull delay;” 我听说,胆小的深思细想不过是慢吞吞拖延的懒惰仆人。
7. wearied,tired,drowsy疲倦的,疲劳的,昏昏欲睡的。
△Ham.3.2.238 (226): “My spirits grow dull,andfain I would beguile/ The tedious day with sleep.”我的精神疲倦了,我想小睡片刻,即便消遣永昼。
△Mid.3.2.8:“While she was in her dull and sleeping hour,”当她正昏昏睡熟的时候。
8. making drowsy,inducing sleep,soothing使人瞌睡的,催眠的,抚慰的。
△2H.IV.4.5. 1: “Let there be nonoise made,my gentle friends,╱ Unless some dulland favourable hand / Will whisper music to my weary spir it.”不要弄出什么声音,好朋友们,除非有人用催人入睡的、体贴的手.为我疲倦的精神低低地奏一曲音乐。
9. spiritless,lifeless,cheerless无精打采的,死气沉沉的,凄
△Oth.1. 1. 124 (123): “At this odd-even anddull watch o’ the night,”在这更深人寂的午夜时分。
10. indolent,inert,blunt怠惰的,无活动力的,迟钝的。
△2H.IV. 1.1.118:“like dull and heavy lead.”就像无活动力的、笨重的铅条(双关:就像怠惰而沮丧的人)。
11. gloomy,melancholy阴郁的,郁闷的。
△Rom. 1. 421 : “dull woe,”阴郁的苦恼。
12. heavy沉重的。
△H.V.3.7. 22 (21):“He is pure airand fire; and the dull elements of earth and waternever appear in him,” (It was formerly believed allthings are composed of the four elements,earth,air,fire and water. The Dauphin believes that his horsecontains only the lighter elements of air and fire,notthe heavier elements of water and earth.) 它是纯粹的“风”与“火”:在它身上从来没有显出“土”和“水”这两种重浊的元素。
△Mer. 2.7.8:“This third. dull lead,with warn-ing all as blunt,”这第三只,是用沉重的铅打的,上面的警语也莽撞得很。
13. lifeless,inanimate没有生气的.无生命的。
△H.V.4.2. 49: “their pale dull mouths”,它们惨白无力的嘴。
△R.III.1. 3. 196 (195): “Why then,give way,dullclouds,to my quick curses!”那么,死气沉沉的云朵,给我这充满强烈力量的诅咒让路吧!
△H.VIII.3.2.433 (432):“And when I am forgotten,as I shall be,/ And sleepin dull cold marble where no mention / Of me more must be heard of.”当我有朝一日被人遗忘,躺在死气沉沉的、冰冷的石棺之中.再也听不到有人提起我的时候。
△Rom. 2.1.2: “Turn back,dull earth,” (Romeo refers to his own body. )转回去,你这笨重的身躯。(按:“笨重”双关“忧郁”。)15.❶ insensible,failing,fain t不敏感的,减弱中的,衰弱的。
△Lr.5.3. 284 (283): “This is a dull sight.” i. e. My eyes arereally failing. 我的眼力是真不行了。(按:这句话另一解释为This,i.e.the dead Cordelia,is a sad spectacle.这真是令人悲痛的景象。)


1. make blunt使钝。
△Ham.1. 3. 77:“And borrowingdulls th’ edge of husbandry.”向人借钱适足挫钝俭德的锋芒。
2. make dull,render insensitive 使迟钝.使不灵敏。
△Ham.1.3.64 :“But do not dull thy palm”.i.e.Donot make your palm callous by shaking every man bythe hand. 但是不要(因为跟人人握手而)磨粗了你的手掌。
3. make inert,weaken使无生气,削弱。
△Oth.2.3. 397(388):“Dull not device by coldness and delay.”别让冷淡拖延耽误了妙计。
4. make inert and lazy,make callous使得懒惰而无生气,使麻木不仁。
△H.V.2.4. 16: “For peace itself shouldnot so dull a kingdom.”因为和平不应该使一个国家麻木不仁。
5. render insensible,tire使得无感觉,使厌烦。
△H.V.2.2. 9: “Whom he hath dulled and cloyed with graciousfavours,”(he: the King) 国王对他赐予的种种厚恩,多得已经使他无动于衷甚至有些厌倦了。


◇as dull as极其乏味的
‖ dull child迟钝儿童
dull fish言语无味者,头脑迟钝的人
dull horse木马
dull market市场萧条
dull voice单调声音
dully adv.迟钝地
dullish adj.迟钝的,沉闷的
dullness n.迟钝,钝度,萧条,暗淡
dullard n.蠢货,笨蛋





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